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Messages - Shoegazer

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clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 08 August 2024, 04:35 »
Ahh yes I suppose that would be critically important to speed. :)  I looked here to see if zlib can accomplish this but nothing popped out at me, though that doesn't mean it isn't there?  I realize it's a rare use case though.  Perhaps if it really isn't, the zlib team might entertain adding it.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 06 August 2024, 19:33 »
Okay tell me how you really feel about MFC ;) But I'm with you.  Perhaps something like Qt for the long haul if you find time for it.  Nice to hear the core is portable though.  Also, I'm sure you're aware of zlib but other cross-platform projects use it partially because it's patent-unencumbered as they state, just something to consider vs. ZipArchive.

Looking forward to the improvements down the pike regarding the profiler etc.!  How cool.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 06 August 2024, 17:49 »
Actually nevermind, it was a configuration issue on my end that I fixed and it works under Wine now. 

At first glance this seems to be a much cleaner and more intuitive interface than cmpro, honestly it looks great.  I assume the scanner and rebuilder will be merged at some point.  This will be fun to use and I'm hoping to eventually replace cmpro that I've been using since the late 90s.  I realize your new project is still in early stages so I'm not sure I want to fully replace it just yet though.  I'll test with a few sets and software lists first.

By the way, in your readme you indicate an objective of no Windows-specific code - what are you using for windowing (fingers crossed for Qt?).  And do you have any interest in porting to native linux yourself or would that be left to others once the source is opened?

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 06 August 2024, 02:16 »
Fair enough, well thanks for trying. Nothing has changed on the samba/smb end so I'm not sure where the differences lie, but I'll just deal with it, maybe I'll try running the scans at night or something but it's unfortunate when you're used to something much faster (I was getting the speeds you observed).  The new scanner doesn't work in Wine, but hopefully if the source can be opened there may be some interest in a native Linux port.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 05 August 2024, 16:54 »
Thanks so much, Roman. I've sent you a PM with the files.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 04 August 2024, 22:06 »
Thanks, Roman. I did try resetting my network device and rebooted which seemed to help somewhat but it's still very slow.  For example, now testing the "saturn" set and it takes about 10 seconds per chd, and those are from 200-500mb.  I guess during the "Looking for unknown sets" phase it has to scan each chd just to verify that the sha1 is listed in the datfile?  And is there a way to turn that off, or at least speed it up through a more basic check?

By the way, the non-chd sets scan quite rapidly.

clrmame Discussion / CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 04 August 2024, 01:50 »
In scanning software chds over a network share, during the "Looking for unknown sets" phase, cmpro is taking a very long time, some of the larger sets can take 12 hours or more to complete.  It was never like this before, even with this version, so I'm wondering if I inadventerntly turned something on that casued this but I couldnt find anything. The scanning process involves adding all software xml dat files from the MAME hash directory and then scanning all of them in batch mode.

Any suggestions are welcome.

* OS: Linux Mint 22 / kernel 6.8 (via wine 9)
* CMPro version: 4048d
* MAME version: 0.268

clrmame Discussion / Re: Quick questions
« on: 27 February 2023, 22:41 »
Thanks, Roman.  As much as I'd love that feature I understand your position.  Perhaps your new project will eventually incorporate it, or even render the need obsolete.

Speaking of which, quite interesting reading about Rebuilder and its cool benefits like full -listsoftware scanning!  Very nice to hear about the potential for open source too, I hope that may give rise to a native Linux version someday. :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Quick questions
« on: 26 February 2023, 21:14 »
Thanks again, Roman.

> There is no log or report if you turn off the parsing messages....in the past decade I don't think there was anything really bad though ;-)

I guess you're saying that it's safe to turn off the parsing messages as they aren't going to indicate any real issues with the sets I'm scanning?  In that case I wonder if you might consider removing the parsing message feature in future cmpro releases, or at least moving the messages to a less intrusive post-scan report?  Even if that's something you could do I wouldn't expect anything soon given RL and other priorities as you mentioned. :)

The new rebuilder tool sounds interesting!

clrmame Discussion / Re: Quick questions
« on: 26 February 2023, 05:13 »
Thanks as always, Roman.  My main concern is that if I ignore messages with Misc_DisplayLIErrors = 0, I'll miss something important and not know that my sets have issues that should be fixed.  So again I'm curious if there's any way to know of any "can't merge set" and other major or minor issues that are encountered during the scan, such as a report that displays when the scan concludes.  Is there such a thing?

You mentioned "Adv_WindowToFront = on" as an option earlier, but as I mentioned, it didn't really do anything.  It might be a WINE issue then, I'm not sure.  I was just wondering if you had any other suggestions beyond that.  If I could ignore errors though, then I just could scan sets when I'm not around, and then this wouldn't really be much of an issue anyway. :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Quick questions
« on: 24 February 2023, 21:24 »
Hi Roman, just following up with you on this.

1. If I set Misc_DisplayLIErrors = 0, can I still see these "can't merge set" issues in a report presented when scanning completes?  Also, I'll note that I have per-profile merge options on in the batch mode, though I'd prefer non-merged sets anyway, so the issue itself should not be relevant to me as I understand it.

2. Any other ideas on inhibiting cmpro windows from hitting foreground while scanning?


clrmame Discussion / Re: Quick questions
« on: 04 July 2022, 20:57 »
Thanks, Roman.

1. I do need to be aware of error messages in general, so an "all-or-nothing" solution wouldn't really work - unless there's a way to present them in a report? If you do have spare cycles to implement something at some point though, I'd be happy to help you test it.

2. I wasn't aware of this setting but I tested it and you're right, it doesn't seem to inhibit pop-ups in the foreground when transitioning from set to set.  Again though, happy to test anything you may have time to come up with.  There may also be a more global Linux/WINE setting as well, though I couldn't find anything after a bit of research.  Perhaps others may know of a way though.

clrmame Discussion / Quick questions
« on: 01 July 2022, 19:24 »
Hi Roman,

A few (hopefully quick) questions for you regarding bulk-scanning software sets:

1. Pop-up messages appear for specific sets such as "Can't merge set due to equal names for different hashes.  Clone files will be name differently if full merge mode is used." The "OK to all" option works for that set but the same message will appear for other sets that may exhibit the same issue.  Is there a way to accept these kinds of messages automatically before scanning, and have such issues appear in a summary report when the bulk operation completes?

2. In Linux/WINE, the CMpro scanning window runs in the foreground, so when scanning for a new set begins, the window appears above any other applications that may be running at that time.  How can you configure it to only run in the background so this can be avoided?


clrmame Discussion / Re: Scanning software under Linux/Wine
« on: 04 February 2020, 22:32 »
Actually, the issue turned out to be related to the datfiles I had cached in the profiler.  I deleted them and loaded them again with the "create rom path for new dat" setting and it seems to be working now.  Thanks for your help though!

clrmame Discussion / Re: Scanning software under Linux/Wine
« on: 04 February 2020, 19:42 »
Thanks again.  I refreshed the list, then loaded one of the not scanned profiles as normal and checked "ROM-Paths" under Settings but nothing was listed.  Assuming the path should show up there, what am I missing?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Scanning software under Linux/Wine
« on: 04 February 2020, 19:11 »
Thanks, Roman.  You are right, that's what I meant - I was just using "base scan paths" for lack of a better term.

So I checked "create rompath for new dat" and browser for the root software folder (which contains software subfolders e.g. a2600).  However, when I attempt a scan it immediately returns "not scanned" in the profiler window.  What am I missing?  I know it can find the root folder because I can browse for it.

clrmame Discussion / Scanning software under Linux/Wine
« on: 04 February 2020, 17:13 »
Trying to scan software by batch-importing MAME software list dats.  I can't find where I need to specify the base scan path so that each software list item is scanned under its corresponding set name.  I looked for documentation on scanning software under Linux/Wine but couldn't find any.  Can someone help?

Note: this was working fine until the cmpro config became misconfigured somehow, and now I can't recall how it was originally set up.

Ah yes, that makes sense.  As a procedure I think I'll just use chdman commandline from my default install.  A linux-native version of Cmpro would help but at least there's a way if people wanted to try it. Thanks, Roman.

Hello Roman,

While Cmpro generally runs quite well in WINE, I've found that checking the "Decompress CHD & check SHA1/MD5" box, the following exception is thrown to the results window:

"Can't run chdman ! Please check Settings/Compressor settings"

Is there a way to work around this problem?  I'm wondering if it's simply a path issue.  One thing I did notice is that Cmpro wants to use "chdman.exe" by default, so I changed that to "chdman" (the name of the linux executable"' but it made no difference to the above.  It would be nice to have this working as it's a pretty useful feature.

Thanks as always for any help/advice.

clrmame Discussion / Re: cmpro 4.06 released
« on: 04 July 2012, 23:47 »
Nice, thank you.  :)  Is that worth a minor rev bump for others to see?

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