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Topics - Shoegazer

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / clrmame first-run questions
« on: 27 September 2024, 21:03 »
Hi Roman, finally getting around to testing your shiny new clrmame tool and I have a few questions:

1. I currently use cmpro to scan batches of software lists from the profiler, by selecting multiple .xml software list files, and then cmpro handles them all at once.  I'm wondering how I would accomplish the same thing using clrmame?  It doesn't have to be "batch mode" per se, if it handles the scanning in a different way but achieves the same thing.  :)

2. cmpro permits rebuilds to the same target directory where the software is stored, without worrying about overwriting vital data.  I assume clrmame does the same thing, and this sort of action is safe?

3. There's no way to select the linux mame binary since clrmame filters out files that don't have .exe or .xml extensions (the linux mame binary is just "mame" with no extension).  Can you permit this in the future so the binary wouldn't have to be renamed for each clrmame operation?

clrmame Discussion / CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 04 August 2024, 01:50 »
In scanning software chds over a network share, during the "Looking for unknown sets" phase, cmpro is taking a very long time, some of the larger sets can take 12 hours or more to complete.  It was never like this before, even with this version, so I'm wondering if I inadventerntly turned something on that casued this but I couldnt find anything. The scanning process involves adding all software xml dat files from the MAME hash directory and then scanning all of them in batch mode.

Any suggestions are welcome.

* OS: Linux Mint 22 / kernel 6.8 (via wine 9)
* CMPro version: 4048d
* MAME version: 0.268

clrmame Discussion / Quick questions
« on: 01 July 2022, 19:24 »
Hi Roman,

A few (hopefully quick) questions for you regarding bulk-scanning software sets:

1. Pop-up messages appear for specific sets such as "Can't merge set due to equal names for different hashes.  Clone files will be name differently if full merge mode is used." The "OK to all" option works for that set but the same message will appear for other sets that may exhibit the same issue.  Is there a way to accept these kinds of messages automatically before scanning, and have such issues appear in a summary report when the bulk operation completes?

2. In Linux/WINE, the CMpro scanning window runs in the foreground, so when scanning for a new set begins, the window appears above any other applications that may be running at that time.  How can you configure it to only run in the background so this can be avoided?


clrmame Discussion / Scanning software under Linux/Wine
« on: 04 February 2020, 17:13 »
Trying to scan software by batch-importing MAME software list dats.  I can't find where I need to specify the base scan path so that each software list item is scanned under its corresponding set name.  I looked for documentation on scanning software under Linux/Wine but couldn't find any.  Can someone help?

Note: this was working fine until the cmpro config became misconfigured somehow, and now I can't recall how it was originally set up.

Hello Roman,

While Cmpro generally runs quite well in WINE, I've found that checking the "Decompress CHD & check SHA1/MD5" box, the following exception is thrown to the results window:

"Can't run chdman ! Please check Settings/Compressor settings"

Is there a way to work around this problem?  I'm wondering if it's simply a path issue.  One thing I did notice is that Cmpro wants to use "chdman.exe" by default, so I changed that to "chdman" (the name of the linux executable"' but it made no difference to the above.  It would be nice to have this working as it's a pretty useful feature.

Thanks as always for any help/advice.

clrmame Discussion / Software lists
« on: 03 June 2012, 16:27 »
Hi Roman, I wanted to ask a few questions about running ClrMAME against MESS under the "single profile":

1) Under SysDef paths, what are "[STANDARD]" and "[DEVICE]" and how do they relate to scanning?

2) Why are only three bios sets recognized - 3do, cd32, and cd-i?  I would imagine either all bios sets would be listed there or none would; there doesn't appear to be anything special about these particular sets unless I'm missing something, so it's a bit confusing this way.

3) Why are some software lists missing, such as 3do_m2?  How does the SysDef feature obtain the software lists for display there?

4) Can you add a way to easily assign a single SysDef path to multiple lists (outside of external file manipulation).  I noticed the user a few posts down had some issues with this; I was just curious if you could add a feature to address it within ClrMAME itself.


clrmame Discussion / CHD deep-scanning with recent CLR builds
« on: 14 October 2011, 22:46 »
Recently I've observed that with the 4.x versions of CLR, deep-scanning CHDs (i.e. with "Decompress CHD and check MD5/SHA-1" option flagged) takes longer than I recall with the 3.x versions - perhaps even twice as long.  Is this a known issue with recent builds or could this be on my end?  I don't have any other "Hash and CHD" tab options flagged but maybe there's something else to tune for better performance?  Thanks.

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