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Messages - lilcuda

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So fearless leader and dictator for life cant act like a man and leave the shit behind him .

I hope all the people who helped BP realise that the same thing will continue wherever he goes.

I asked weeks ago for him to leave out the flame war and stop reading posts from other sites yet he went on to not only read the shit that wasnt even on this site but post quotes from other sites to validate his new poll which would lock out any emulator he doesnt want on YOUR xbox .

To the guys who lost all their work in helping build Coinops 3 I say think about what he did to you . He was the one who nuked the whole Board over a few posts that another mod did in a joke to teach the guy some humility . You lost all your work because of one person , BP who couldnt help himself and had to a throw a tanty and now blames the xtras for his actions.

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: OMG !!!
« on: 14 October 2011, 23:52 »
I dont think a single thing has been learnt .

Todays posts are more rants .

As for predictions thats crap , I equate the predictions made with someone saying hey that hornets nest will erupt than walking up to it with a bat and taking a few swings turning and saying see I told you so .

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 08:31 »
Its very sad but I have to congratulate the Mod for holding up a standard for the site and not allowing a stupid flame war to carry on further .

Definately been some infamatory posts criticising others and a new poll that basically declared war about what should and should not be on our xbox's , thats a user decision and should be left alone by any credible author.

I asked weeks ago for BP to stop reading other sites posts and working himself up and continuing the shit that ruined other sites , its a shame you couldnt be a bigger man mate . I really hope you can leave the past behind and just let coinops speak for itself .

Id love Coinops and the work done by others who are willing to contribute can grow , learn from this and make it bigger. Its been hard to watch and the community here has been full of poison .

You know when you have a good community there arent just lots of views but lots of posts , this coinops section has had lots of views of subjects but little posting as no one has wanted to say anything in posts that where basically unnecessary rants .

BP you shouldnt take this as someone thats against you as Im not ,Im just one of the many people who would love to make Coinops better without the schoolyard rants and tactics.

General / Re: Help with rom file configurations and CoinOPS
« on: 09 October 2011, 23:22 »
That may be okay for yourself but its standard practice on all the major arcade emulators , the console dumps do not change .

The benefit of using the same console dumps comes out in support as issues can arise between dumps , for instance an emulator can be known tp play a verified USA dump but may have issues with the same games release from Europe .Its about consistency.

The next release will be very large for the full set and all it takes will be for the original uploader to make a dat of the set and if they release by torrent to torrentzip the roms. Than anyone wanting to download the set runs a dat over there current stuff and matches what they can ,next they have to start than stop the torrent ,copy the matched items to the roms folder and torrentzip it for consistency to the original uploaders files and away they go.

The torrent will fix any missing or changed drivers within any arcade rom and the whole thing saves everyone a shitload of bandwidth :)  .

General / Re: Help with rom file configurations and CoinOPS
« on: 09 October 2011, 15:14 »
A more useful thing would be for someone who has Coinops 2 full to make a dat and same for Coinops 3 when its released.

Is it really necessary to download 20 plus gb of games on each release ? .

Look at MAME , a complex emulator and different roms updated on each release but the updates may be 500mb to 1gb in size , you dont have to download 30gb each time.

This is the area where Coinops will take the next step in adoptability for new users , making ease of entry should be a top priority for all who espouse the project.

General / Re: Newbie Need Help mame 143
« on: 17 September 2011, 08:17 »




Did you get the mame.exe file and roms at the same place ? . Thats a bit of a no no for the site listing as its against mame rules. Anyway have a look at these tutorials and become familiar with clrmamepro as its a great program . Create a dat file from your mame.exe file and than run a scan against your roms and it will tell you if anything is missing or a problem with your files.

That first link has 2 bios files for neogeo .

The thing with mame is the roms change from version to version with new dumps of the games for greater accuracy . Its unlike a console game which has a single rom per game release that doesnt change from release to release , the reason is that MAME is striving for hardware accuracy above all else and other emulators strive for playability .

Let us know how you go .

General / Re: Newbie Need Help mame 143
« on: 16 September 2011, 15:11 »
Have you verified those roms and bios against the mame 0.143 exe that you are using ?. The roms and exe have to match , try clrmamepro and a 0.143 dat and make sure its correct than report the results :) .

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