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Messages - Retro.G

Pages: [1]
Well said Simone!!

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: OMG !!!
« on: 14 October 2011, 21:17 »
You was right BP!!! And thats soo sad !!! Why people don't leave other alone!!! Like Michael Jackson said "Leave me Alone!!!"
I just hope that you will never stop CoinOPS, cause it's THE emulator !!!!
You was right too for the blog !!! It's maybe the only solution !!!  :-\
I'm really sad, i thougt they will leave you alone !!! But it was a dream !!!!
Peace BP, there are and will be always a lot of people behind you, and trust in CoinOPS !! Cheers !! 

CoinOPS Discussion / OMG !!!
« on: 14 October 2011, 20:58 »
The story is repeating again and again !!! Soo sad!!!

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