« on: 15 October 2011, 23:04 »
I wish all the clowns would leave BP and Coinops alone, who cares if he bags you out, maybe it's deserved, maybe it's not but why do you care so much? perhaps use your time for something constructive, BP manages to use his for something constructive, it's the Coinops we all love so much, if you don't like it, don't worry about it, move on.. go do something else. Surely you have something better to do? why care what BP says? Does it hurt your feelings? Do you care that much? I truly don't understand. It's only a childish flame war if you respond, if you ignore it, it goes away...
Why do you expect apologies? why do you care? that insecure uh? I don't blame him for bagging you out, I would too, you're a royal pain in the butt. You can't ride on the fame or lack thereof from the past forever.