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Messages - oxyandy

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clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 14:37 »
Confirmed Roman,
Working perfectly :D
Code: [Select]
D:\Desktop\New Folder (19)\0_2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).zip\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes [EXISTS: 2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn)\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes]

D:\Desktop\New Folder (19)\1_2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).zip\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes [EXISTS: 2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn)\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes]

D:\Desktop\New Folder (19)\2_2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).zip\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes [EXISTS: 2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn)\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes]

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 14:30 »
Thanks very much Roman !
Now I can make some very quick use of this.
I have LOTS of files to deal with ;)
I was just going to point out, the exact thing you said..
After a file has been 'match once already' - it happens
Code: [Select]
D:\Desktop\New Folder (19)\0_2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).zip\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes [EXISTS: 2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn)\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes]

D:\Desktop\New Folder (19)\1_2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).zip\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes

D:\Desktop\New Folder (19)\2_2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).zip\2D Escape (Ch) (Wxn).nes

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 08:22 »
I got it !
I seem to have a "Repeatable Scenario" now.
I will upload a folder & a dat.
See if you can repeat also..
I will PM link to files - ATM Dat is private. :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 08:12 »
The ONLY clue I seem to have is that the [Reason - only seems to be missing from files which actually match the dat.
These should be [EXISTS:

D:\My Documents\Downloads\南晶科技.rar\南晶科技\[NJ057]魔界塔士.zip [SKIPPED Reason: no hash match]
D:\cmp4014__32\temp\南晶科技\[NJ057]魔界塔士_29345.zip\card_cover.jpg [SKIPPED Reason: no hash match]
D:\cmp4014__32\temp\南晶科技\[NJ057]魔界塔士_29345.zip\Mo Jie Ta Shi (C).NES
D:\cmp4014__32\temp\南晶科技\[NJ057]魔界塔士_29345.zip\box_cover.jpg [SKIPPED Reason: no hash match]

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 08:02 »
D:\Desktop\nesroms\不能运行的[vt].zip\高速赛车.wxn.rar [SKIPPED Reason: no hash match]
D:\cmp4014__32\temp\高速赛车.wxn_11449.rar\高速赛车.wxn.nes [EXISTS: Highway Racing I (Ch) (Wxn)\Highway Racing I (Ch) (Wxn).pas]

D:\Desktop\NES_TOOL_TEST_ROMS\New Folder (5)\不能运行的[vt].zip\高速赛车.wxn.rar [SKIPPED Reason: no hash match]

Hard to repeat, seems random.. will keep searching for "Repeatable Event"

EDIT:不能运行的[vt].zip seems to be quite repeatable so I copied it to several locations.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 07:36 »
Hang on, an obvious check, I will disable my AV and try over whole drive again.
That made no difference so it seems, it still looks like it's happening... sigh

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 07:31 »
I am trying hard to make a simple repeatable scenario, but having trouble with that:
For example I scan the whole D: drive.
After I look in the log.
D:\Folder A\Archive_A.zip is causing 'missing reasons'

So if I drag & drop Archive_A.zip onto Rebuilder, everything is OK.
If I set Source D:\Folder A\ in Rebuilder, again everything is OK.

trying hard here....

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 18 July 2014, 04:18 »
D:\My Documents\Downloads\小霸王SB-A8 NES解密版\小霸王 SB-A8-NES\WXNDecrypt\三侠五义.wxn [SKIPPED Reason: no hash match]

D:\My Documents\Downloads\小霸王SB-A8 NES解密版\小霸王 SB-A8-NES\WXNDecrypt\三侠五义.wxn.nes

I am not sure why lines like these have no [REASON ?
They no longer exist (oops probably should have done a trial run first)
They create a quirk in my log, which I can re-write code to handle..
Sadly right now I can not repeat it, but I assume is related to previous file-name ?

EDIT: (previous file-name ?) No, I guess not.
EXAMPLE: A single archive with 521 internal files = 8 files skipped with-out [Reason.
Seems almost random.. I need to get more familiar with what's happening exactly how logging works.  :-\

Anyway Roman, no problem, I just have more learning to do..
I need to learn what causes output lines like these.
My program starts with a 10Mb CMP_Log.txt after parsing by my exe, it is split into 3 separate logs

1. 178Kb ROM log
in this format
Code: [Select]
New: "100m Hurdles (Waixing).nes" Old: "110米栏.wxn.nes"
New: "1943 - The Battle of Midway (U) [!].nes" Old: "1943 (U).nes"
New: "2011 Tank by Lei Fan (Battle City Hack).nes" Old: "2011坦克_leiyin.nes"
2. 178Kb Source Archive/Folder log.
(needed cause something internal names are poor, compared to archive name)
3. 9.7Mb Remaining files, which I need to write a filter for (extensions I want to be alerted about)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 17 July 2014, 19:07 »
Hi Roman,
Really I am very happy already, no need for you to change anything.
Already making use of logging to delete "Source Files" while keeping a reference list of the matching "File-names"
Output from my 'CMP Log Parser' is like this:
Code: [Select]
New: "File-name matching dat.ext"  Old: "File-name found when Rebuilding.ext"
This lines is kept if (New: & Old:) name differs greatly, otherwise is filtered from the "New_Log.log" I make.
It also gets alpha sorted & merged to a Master.log

Thanks for the kind offer.  ;D

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 17 July 2014, 17:43 »
Yes, I saw that in Rebuilder Options as soon as I setup "Logging"
I see is a per 'dat' log & not global, but that's ok..
I just finished writing a program to reformat CMP's log output to the 'exact' format I require.
Has all the info I need, just perfect

Thanks again

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 17 July 2014, 13:53 »
Many thanks for the quick response..
Where do I find log ? Guess cmp program folder root.
With each run, is log appended or starts new ?
I guess I'll find out soon enough..
I'll try now
Thanks again.

EDIT: Ok all answered, I give it a run

clrmame Discussion / Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 17 July 2014, 13:34 »
Hi Roman,

I am suddenly in dire need of a logging feature when Rebuilding.
1. The name of the Source archive.
2. The internal file-name. (Which matched the dat)
3. What they were Rebuilt to.

I have never played with CMP logging previously, so does something like this exist already ?
Many thanks

clrmame Discussion / Re: Smart Size Filter
« on: 08 July 2014, 04:45 »
I placed 2489 "wanted files" with about 15Gb worth of 'other random stuff'  ::) in the Source folders of Rebuilder.
Everything was not already archived (RAW)

Took the new build for a test drive:
7 minutes to complete

As a comparison, same "Source Folders/Files" with Public Release 4.014b
27 minutes to complete

Thanks Roman, that did the trick ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Smart Size Filter
« on: 07 July 2014, 12:34 »
Hi Roman,
When using a NES DAT with a header skipper,
Rebuilding files which had a couple of movies in the folders & CMP would always 'choke' on them.
Or large archives which I block CMP from 'looking into' by changing the extension :P

clrmame Discussion / Re: Smart Size Filter
« on: 28 June 2014, 03:37 »
Hi Roman,
Thanks for taking a look :)

Enjoy your holiday !
"If" I am lucky I will get a holiday sometime in the next month..

clrmame Discussion / Smart Size Filter
« on: 25 June 2014, 02:02 »
Hi Roman,
I make a wish !
Currently I am using a header skipper plug-in with CMP..

My wish ?
CMP quickly scans through the DAT - determines largest file size, then when rebuilding, ignores all files over 'that' size :)
Explained clear enough ?


Well a few points depend on exactly how you are going to update ?
Scan & fix ? Then download 'over the top' from a torrent site ?

But the basic answer - is copy paste 7z.exe and put it into same folder as CMP
Or just set the path to 7z.exe in "Compressor" settings

There is an Advanced option to test sha1/md5 for Fix Missing, but not to enable it for the basic scan, and not as a safety for Fix Name.
Yeah well on a plus side a CRC collision is rare, as you say Rebuilder takes cares of it. (on source side)
But, for this to happen on a set with 2 files in the same set sharing duplicate CRC32 but different SHA
on DAT change/update would be infinitely rarer !

Is all about speed.
But is good to know the extra "Scanner" option "Additionally......." is there.

@Baines, what you explained is very clear. Conclusion: not a big deal.
Great work providing Roman with clues  8)

Hi Baines,
Some great testing there!
I bet you are happy to know you are not alone with this exact fault, as confirmed by Oddi - it indeed seems 'Win8 x64 CMP64 7z specific bug' & not just 'your' OS.

Great work Oddi,
about time another win8 64 user came forward. +1 for you.
You are never far away from this forum, that should Roman when he looks for results/testers.

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