clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.015 released
« on: 25 August 2014, 16:56 »
Hi Guys 
Just a reminder, CMP is a ROM Manager written and maintained by Roman.
Roman is not responsible for producing MAME's dat files..
If you don't like what the "DAT files" are currently doing to your sets,
please wait for the #NEW# CMP build Roman is currently working on.
This new CMP (coming when Roman's life / health / time permits) will do things differently...
I would have thought you knew this already - as spelled out in this thread
When you press "Yes To All" here:

You are removing the 'Parent / Clone' relationship to every set there-after which has a Name/Hash problem.
Without a 'Parent / Clone' relationship OF COURSE, the clone will be split from the PARENT..
Relax, have a beer, go outside enjoy the sunshine - anything,
but please don't think Roman is doing the wrong thing or CMP is working incorrectly.

Just a reminder, CMP is a ROM Manager written and maintained by Roman.
Roman is not responsible for producing MAME's dat files..
If you don't like what the "DAT files" are currently doing to your sets,
please wait for the #NEW# CMP build Roman is currently working on.
This new CMP (coming when Roman's life / health / time permits) will do things differently...
I would have thought you knew this already - as spelled out in this thread

When you press "Yes To All" here:

You are removing the 'Parent / Clone' relationship to every set there-after which has a Name/Hash problem.
Without a 'Parent / Clone' relationship OF COURSE, the clone will be split from the PARENT..
Relax, have a beer, go outside enjoy the sunshine - anything,
but please don't think Roman is doing the wrong thing or CMP is working incorrectly.