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Messages - oxyandy

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clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.015 released
« on: 25 August 2014, 16:56 »
Hi Guys :)

Just a reminder, CMP is a ROM Manager written and maintained by Roman.
Roman is not responsible for producing MAME's dat files..
If you don't like what the "DAT files" are currently doing to your sets,
please wait for the #NEW# CMP build Roman is currently working on.
This new CMP (coming when Roman's life / health / time permits) will do things differently...
I would have thought you knew this already - as spelled out in this thread ???

When you press "Yes To All" here:

You are removing the 'Parent / Clone' relationship to every set there-after which has a Name/Hash problem.
Without a 'Parent / Clone' relationship OF COURSE, the clone will be split from the PARENT..

Relax, have a beer, go outside enjoy the sunshine - anything,
but please don't think Roman is doing the wrong thing or CMP is working incorrectly.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 23 August 2014, 02:37 »
Hi Dullaron,
yes I have been a huge advocate of 9.28a since I did lots of testing with 7z & CMP (quite a while ago)
From the output of 9.34a we see:

7-Zip 9.34 alpha  Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov  2014-06-22

There is some data block after the end of the archive
Not implemented

This means 9.34a will simply refuse to do 'anything' with a 7z created with t7z..
Not ideal for many of us  :P
7-Zip 9.34 alpha = no, no, no !
There maybe other 7z versions (9.25a?) which are useful, but 9.28a was the one I settled on after exhaustive testing
Users will also find Newer Installations of 7z UI will give constant annoying messages about 'this type' of 7z archive too.

CMP 64 4.015 'official' just released version ?
If yes, is this a 'fresh folder of CMP' or you have updated EXE into an older folder ?
What format are your ROMs Split/Merged & Zip/7z ?
Can you provide a/any screen-shot/s ?

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.015 released
« on: 20 August 2014, 02:42 »
Let's see if we can break it :P

Many thanks Roman

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 19 August 2014, 06:20 »
I wrote a 7z Front_End.exe captures all Inputs/Outputs of CMP & 7z processing.
Some message boxes & text logs.
It also confirms that 7z cmd line 9.34a is a complete flop when using with CMP.

7-Zip 9.34 alpha  Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov  2014-06-22

Creating archive D:\cmp4014__32\temp.7z

Compressing  qwerty

Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     0.000 =    0%
User    Time =     0.031 =  200%
Process Time =     0.031 =  200%    Virtual  Memory =      4 MB
Global  Time =     0.015 =  100%    Physical Memory =      5 MB

7-Zip 9.34 alpha  Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov  2014-06-22

Updating archive D:\cmp4014__32\temp.7z

Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     0.031 =  100%
User    Time =     0.015 =   50%
Process Time =     0.046 =  150%    Virtual  Memory =      2 MB
Global  Time =     0.031 =  100%    Physical Memory =      4 MB

While it passes CMP's internal initial test..
In the real world it fails with many archives..
So Roman if you do any tests, please use 9.28a of 7z.exe

7-Zip 9.34 alpha  Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov  2014-06-22

There is some data block after the end of the archive
Not implemented

Kernel  Time =     0.031 =   66%
User    Time =     0.015 =   33%
Process Time =     0.046 =  100%    Virtual  Memory =      3 MB
Global  Time =     0.046 =  100%    Physical Memory =      4 MB

System error:
Not implemented

I learnt today that this 9.34a 7z.exe could not process the files in my earlier post...(Attached @ post #70 in this thread.)
9.28a works perfectly  ::) I had forgotten I still had 9.34a in there after attempting to prevent the crash while scanning the merged MAME set.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 14 August 2014, 23:18 »
Well, this DAT & Files doesn't repeat crash.
But it does show archives remain the same after a run of "Scanner".
Set everything merged 7z
Untick Samples. Tick parse merge tags..
Use these 7z's as your ROM set
Then Scan away..

EDIT: I will keep using this CMP as it seems for everything else is OK
Plus a couple of recent changes I am now dependant on for speed.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 14 August 2014, 18:50 »
Ok, I'll try the CHD thingy...

Cause I didn't get far, sub-folder test

CHD rebuild, works very fast & perfectly... nice fix

EDIT: I first got message about 18w clone and rename with sub-folder, saw file was going to be moved to parent.
I allowed in CMP looks like it was doing something... no file dates changed on archives.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 14 August 2014, 18:37 »
(be warned...this build also includes the changes regarding possible full merge conflicts and use of subfolders)
Great, I'll try the sub-folder additions out right away
Then in the morning, I'll see if I can clean up miss matched CHD versions using a dat of current 'actual' files.
Knowing this time, if I have any duplicates they should be deleted (rather than backed up)

Any news on the Model 110 thingy ?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 15:17 »
...I had no problems with your attachment (7z 9.22)
Yeah, Oddi said also no problem opening this sample 7z with (7z 9.34a) either.
I'll remove it now ;)

So I checked the CMD 32bit version of 7z.exe 9.34, same exact behaviour as 7.28a 7z CMD line exe..
(Wont add to these 4 7z archives either)
Restored CMP back to 9.28a 7z cmd exe, cause some of us have seen quirks with newer betas.

I give up, I am just happy there is nothing for you to actually do here.
I know you 'have enough on your plate' for the moment with CMP, I really didn't want to add to it.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 10:07 »
So anyway, I 'fixed' my set.. Ignore my stupid bug report  :-[
I simply removed these '4 unique' 7z archives from my set...
Played with them a bit:
All 4 test fine with WinRAR.
All 4 extract fine with WinRAR.
All extracted files proved to match original CRCs (no corruption upon extraction)

All 4 can not be opened by 7z File Manager 9.28a, only version I have tried, wont be using others.
Latest versions of 7z File Manager complain t7z files have data past end of file.
(All same error - "Can not open as archive")
All 4 can be extracted and converted to t7z format, by t7z.exe

CMP can open & Rebuild all 4 as Source files. (No files are skipped)
However, CMP can not add to them if they exist in Rebuilder's Destination Path.

Quirky stuff  ;D

EDIT: Oh and these 4 quirky 7z archives must have been made through CMP:
I don't have the patience to manually go adding files/archives to a set.
That's what a ROM Manager and DAT is for.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 09:36 »
Ok, I take a huge step backwards
This is something I have never seen before.
Is only 4 7z archives it is happening with.

Archive 1: 3super8.7z
Test with WinRAR 5.10

Archive extracts fine with WinRAR 5.10 too.
I even checked CRC32 of extracted files, yes perfect..
(I did this with all 4 7z archives = same results)

BUT, when I open (any of the 4 7z archives) with 7z File Manager 9.28a
I get

I sent this archive to torrent7zip and it extracted & rebuilt just fine.

Crazy huh ?
Same with other 'problem' sets...

So here's a sample for you.
What makes this 'type' of 7z so unique ?
Tell me what you find ?
<Attachment Snip>

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 09:14 »
As you can probably guess, right at this moment, I am attempting to make a Reduced CMP Folder..
Dat & ROM set to reproduce bug.
That way I can send you whole thing..
You extract Set folder:
Open CMP and you shall see, I'll need time to get it just right..

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 08:40 »
Yeah OK, I could roll back to 'Official' build and see if is gone.

This is what I see "Now"
1. Using Scanner: (I get asked to fix: Looks like it's working: But another Scan, shows those files not fixed)

2. Using Rebuilder (Same Msg. for every file)

Now using what I think might be official (EXE dated 17th April 2014)
And to my surprise  it is still exact same on 3 Sets (yeah archives seem fine)
Scanning archive is 7z
Rebuilding source is ZIP with my missings, destination 7z

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 08:00 »
I said cheat fix build, but I meant the one after (Crash fix toggling Scan <> Rebuild) cmp20140805.rar

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 13 August 2014, 07:04 »
On the other thread:
You said:
when I resolved your rebuilder thingie....

maybe...not much time this week....will see....

However using this build posted on this thread (your cheat fix) I am having a couple of problems Rebuilding
I am looking for an updated EXE I can drop into my current CMP folder..
See if the issue is gone.
If so, I will leave you alone to quietly apply these 'other' updates/fixes to CMP..
Otherwise, if problem persists I will supply CMP folder & DAT to replicate :)

What about a BETA for testing Roman ?  ::)

No, untick atm, must tick for future ?

Ask yourself :)
Do you want a merged ROM set, which:
1. Takes less time to process, cause it has less total files (Yes still passes perfect audit in EMU)
2. Makes a smaller 'total sized' set.

Maybe you should Re-read my & Roman's earlier replies .

Ok then, about the 'other' changes
See Hap's reply earlier, not sure how much he has done, but clearly he has taken to doing 'some' ROM renaming ;)

Hi Oddi,
@Reply #6
Do you still have "Parse ROM 'merge' tags" ticked ?

BTW, I always keep it ticked, my reasons explained above ^^

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 10 August 2014, 21:12 »
Yes all files are REMOVED from C:\SOURCE with 'Remove Matched Ticked', but they all end up in the BackUp folder
Try Rebuild from BackUp folder = 'Post #50 Above'
Got it ?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 10 August 2014, 21:03 »
@5.00AM my local time !
Sure why not

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