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Messages - oxyandy

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clrmame Discussion / Re: Work In Progress
« on: 11 August 2011, 09:44 »
Ok did the drag drop test too..
Same, name missing
Code: [Select]
Path: G:\Desktop\New Folder (10)\哈哈哈 (ZIP MADE BY WinZip 15.5).zip
Name: .txt
Size: 12
CRC32: c6302903
MD5: 9f8c1945784842810f22262b7d3aef0f
SHA1: cfe308fd34664b17cd752537fb04cb59d0bb5070

clrmame Discussion / Re: Work In Progress
« on: 11 August 2011, 09:37 »
Ok, did that.

This doesn't say exactly "store filenames as utf8"
But it does say "Store Unicode filenames in zip files"
By default that was already checked.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Work In Progress
« on: 11 August 2011, 09:23 »
Code: [Select]
rar and 7z archives seem to have no issues at all anymore since the last build....and Winzip created zips and cmpro created zips either.

I tested the reading of "Winzip v15.5 created zips" (and other zip creating programs)
and Dir2Dat still creates the same problem as "WinRar created zips"
No file-name is outputted.
It still stands, the only type of zip CMP can read the internal file name from, is a "CMP created zip"

<game name="哈哈哈 (ZIP MADE BY WinZip 15.5)">
<description>哈哈哈 (ZIP MADE BY WinZip 15.5)</description>
<rom name=".txt" size="12" crc="c6302903"/>

Anyway, enjoy your day at work.
We will discuss more later.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Work In Progress
« on: 28 July 2011, 10:12 »
when I want to rebuild something quickly though.

Doh, I really wasn't thinking when I wrote that, of course I could just untick "Compress Files" too.
Really don't need that setting for compression, eh..
Damn, 3am posts.

Just thought..
Is something like this possible ?
To keep parent/clone relationships ?

Plus, is it possible to have a utility to clean zips of any dupe crc files ?
After all, a merged set only needs a single matching crc.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Work In Progress
« on: 27 July 2011, 15:09 »
For sure Roman, read all the posts.
Sounds like great progress,
will miss the low level compression setting,
for times when I want to rebuild something quickly though.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Newbie needs help (be nice)
« on: 17 July 2011, 17:57 »
CHDs easy,
Move them all to one folder

ROMs load the ROMs DAT I provided.
Use the "Rebuilder" of CMP
Source c:\updates\0.141
Destination (your new main rom folder, maybe your old folder 0.140 renamed to 0.143)
Click "Rebuild"

then same for
source c:\updates\0.142
source c:\updates\0.143

I had no idea you had downloaded "updates"
I would have structured the guide slightly differently.
Forget the CHDs for now, just focus on the ROM set.

I made the guide to clean up the old set with renames, add possible missing rom files,
move older un-needed files out, then use that folder as download folder for a new 0.143 torrent to download on top of.

After hash checking,
It would have started at around 80% complete already.

I wrote that above as going to bed..
Instead of doing "Rebuilder" run 3 times..
You could just use
"Source"          c:\updates\
"Destination"    Your main rom folder.

Then with "Scan Subfolders" ticked,
it would pull the needed roms out in one go.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Newbie needs help (be nice)
« on: 17 July 2011, 11:24 »
No problem, I saw that post on the main page of the site,
Just take it step by step, and if you have any questions I am online for next 6 hours.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Newbie needs help (be nice)
« on: 17 July 2011, 11:04 »
It seems somehow your post became 2 ?
I replied to you here :)

That should make it easy, it includes dats.

I would rather Roman not reply,
if he has a spare minute, I would rather he completes the new version..
*hint*  *hint*
As I am one of those that would get the most from a new version such as he is working on.
Roman, if you want any help testing I have just the system to help test..

Now get rebuilding John

General / Re: Newbie needs help (be nice)
« on: 15 July 2011, 13:34 »

This guide has been updated a bit, cause CMP has since been updated..
So ignore any 'advanced' settings which show in pics..
Excuse some of the text doesn't exactly match the pics.
The text should still help a newbie get a good idea how to get started.

John, this should help you out.

If you wish to update your older or incomplete ROM set to the latest
You will need the following tools:

Get the MAME ROMs DAT from Rom Manager DAT files
Get ClrMamePro from ClrMamePro Home Page
Get TorrentZip from here

Open CMP and load the dat as above.

Double click the ""MAME 0.143 FULL ROM Set" and our dat file will be loaded ready.

Now click the "Settings" Button, You will see the window below

1. Click "Add" and browse to your folder with your partial or older rom set
After doing so you should see the path in the window as in 4

Now click the "Scanner" Button

You will see a window as below

1. Click the little + (Plus symbol)
You should now have a row of green ticks as pictured above. all fix options enabled.
2. Untick "Ask Before Fixing", you wont be prompted to do anything.
3. Click "New Scan", and let it run, do not stop the process.
It will scan for un-needed roms first and remove them to the CMP back-up folder.
After that it will rename zips, rename roms, add missing, etc etc
...in preparation for rebuilding.

Once complete, the statistics window will open, just click 'OK'.
You can now swap the little check box (as pictured above 4)
and the "Rebuilder" window will open.

1. "Removed Matched Sourcefiles", if you have this ticked any roms / zips which contain files which match the DAT file will be deleted, once added to the ROM folder, from the Source folder set in 3.

3. First I suggest, checking the backup folder of CMP's program folder for any possible missing roms.
There may be none.
If you don't have any other folders with possible matching roms then you are ready to TorrentZip now.
Otherwise, if you have any other folders which have possible matching roms, then you can use the "Rebuilder" to scan those folders too.
Beware of "Remove Matched Soucefiles" (1.) if you don't want the files deleted from the 'Source' folder.
4. "Rebuild" button, that starts the process.
5. "Recompress Files" leave this unticked. we will be TorrentZipping later, so unticked is faster.
Now you have removed excess files, renamed and added any available possible ROMs
it is time to TorrentZip

Using TorrentZip.
Torrentzip can be used several ways.
Way 1.
Open an Explorer window which shows your rom folder, drag the folder with your roms and drop onto trrntzip.exe
I have never used this method above, I use Way 2
Way 2.
Right Click trrntzip.exe, then create a shortcut, 'cut' that created shortcut and 'paste' into windows "Send To" folder.

I use XP. so I have pictured an example "Send To" folder below.

Now you can Right Click your ROMs folder and select 'Send To', Torrent Zip
if done correctly you will now have the option.

Now you still need to find and join a ROM set torrent.
Point the torrents download folder to your ROMs folder you just cleaned up and let it hash check.
You should have a good % already complete.

Now with the CHDs,
Similar to above, but much faster,

And now you have CMP already set up,
Load the MAME DAT, set the folder the CHDs are in,
then use the Scanner in CMP with fix options ticked.
Allowing it to do what it needs.

Get the FULL CHD torrent,
point the torrent's download folder to your current
CHD folder and let it hash check.
Again, you should have a good % already complete.

« Last Edit: 28-01-2012, 15:09:09 by oxyandy »
Just noticed all screenshots are gone from this post, sorry

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