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Messages - oxyandy

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with any 7z library (7.20, 7.22b, 7.32a)
Really ?
Do you mean 7z library (9.20, 9.22b, 9.32a) ?
Where does 7 come from ?

Using my post @reply 17 (above)
The only difference being you have win8, are you still getting the same error ?

I know Roman has really been looking for a good excuse to load win8 ;)
Could this be it  ?

OK, here is what I just did..
I downloaded CMP64_4014a (ZIP) extracted it, configured nothing, added nothing.
Opened, went to 'About' window & dropped your archive
No problem Win7 x64, CMP64

I just don't have the time to boot over to win7 Ultimate to check if I can repeat on CMP64
But I agree same with CMP32, the dll packaged with CMP4011a__32 is 9.20

Question: Does Win8 have the dll protection ?
Right Click 7z_.dll Properties... & it has a warning about this file came from another computer, bla
With a box... Unblock dll??

So you are using cmd from 9.20 ? I am pretty sure you are missing out on some cmd functions by using this old version.
I can confirm (& Oddi, Hi Oddi  ;D)cmd 7z from 9.28a x64 with CMP64 works great.
There are other 7z cmd versions that 'do not' work the same.
You can extract the cmd exe from the 7z_setup if you don't want to change normal 7z usage from what it currently is, just drop it into CMP's folder.
Check your 7z cmd strings too.

I cant repeat CMP32 + cmd 7z 9.28a

"Additionally test SHA1/MD5 of existing destination" is making use of 7z.dll or cmd 7z.exe ?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Strange 7z LZMA2 warnings
« on: 11 April 2014, 08:27 »
Actually I want to edit but think new post is more relevant: I want to make a correction.

When Rebuilding - CMP will do this, 'per set' once.
Now this is a bit tricky in true definition of 'per set'
To do that CMP would have to read & log entire contents of source folder before it built a single archive.
(not impossible, but definitely a bit more tricky)
So a better statement would be instead of 'per set' would be 'per source archive'
That would still give results way better than we have now.
And yeah Roman has a 'life' & we have a suitable work around already.
But we can dream right  haha

clrmame Discussion / Re: Strange 7z LZMA2 warnings
« on: 11 April 2014, 08:12 »
build clean set using zip then using t7z for "special" purpose is faster than rebuild 7z and then again t7z.
Yes, of course this is what I was pointing out..
Here's a bit of why.
When CMP Rebuilder finds a source ZIP archive has 10 internal files, even if all those 10 files are a match to the dat.
When Rebuilding to 7z - CMP will do this, 'file by file' 10 times for each file found matching the DAT.
1. Make a 7z with 1st found in the ZIP = result a 7z archive with 1 file.
2. Make new 7z with 2nd file found in the ZIP
To do this CMP adds an extra step, extract all the contents from the first 7z archive it made,
takes that 2nd 'found' file in source ZIP, then make 'new' 7z archive with 2 files.
3. Make new 7z with 3rd file found in the ZIP
CMP extracts contents of 2nd 7z archive made, takes the 3rd 'found' file in source ZIP = make 'new' 7z archive with 3 files.
And well, that's the pattern, 10 freaking times.

Rebuilder - Source archive ZIP - Destination ZIP
Extract 1st from ZIP, make 'new' ZIP with 1 file.
Extract 2nd from ZIP, add to existing ZIP now 2 files, and so on.
CMP can simply ADD to the destination ZIP file, look at all the extra work that gets cut out.

One day, if lucky enough Roman may just be kind enough to add a read ahead optimisation to CMP.
When Rebuilding - CMP will do this, 'per set' once.
Source file ZIP, 11 internal files - Destination 7z 10 files.
Read source ZIP.
File 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 match dat & 11 no match, end of archive ?
OK, time to build archive = results logged.
Now CMP will build a 7z once with all 10 files.
Remove Source Ticked ? OK, delete 10 from source ZIP = remainder 1

Right enough Roman ? ;)

EDIT: Oh and as you probably know extracting a 'single file' from a solid 7z is a load of extra work too !
So a bit of 'read ahead' would help when source is 7z too

clrmame Discussion / Re: Strange 7z LZMA2 warnings
« on: 11 April 2014, 03:14 »
GeoMan you may sense something going here.

The times you claim seem overly extended.
As I pointed out earlier.
"Test archive(decompress to memory)(Scanner Only)"
I know exactly what this does & how it works.
Think I have used it maybe 'once' across a whole MAME set, because I had a reason to.

Now the taboo word 't7z.exe'
There is nothing wrong with keeping sets in this format, but it really does require the correct 7z command line version & the correct strings.
(Never set t7z.exe as the program in CMP)

Doing a complete Rebuild from ZIP to 7z, regardless of cmd strings is dumb.
Regardless of the fact that some well know file sharing sites have advertised this way is the BEST.
They are wrong, well for MAME anyway, I aint going to write about all I understand here.

Keeping a set 'maintained' once in t7z with CMP is easy.
But again requires the correct 'technique' searching my posts around here, will find you 'some info'

Question time, your cmd line version of 7z & strings ?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Strange 7z LZMA2 warnings
« on: 09 April 2014, 05:00 »
latest ClrMame to cause rom corruption
Nope no way, there would hundreds of other reports, not just you.
I assume you were using CMP to "Scan & Fix" this 152 set to 153 ?
(That's when you noticed the errors)

In "Compressor" settings CMP has a "Test archive(decompress to memory)(Scanner Only)" check box.
If you didn't actually ever run this test (not that I am saying people should ever use this all the time)
for the whole set, it may well be there were some corrupt archives already.
Is this a set you actually made completely using a previous CMP version.
Or just a downloaded 'as is' set ?

How many corrupt archives are we talking about.?
Plus there is corrupt (archive can not even display contents)
and corrupt (archive can display contents, but reports error when you try extract/modify contents)
Which type of corruption are you seeing ?

clrmame Discussion / Sorry
« on: 18 March 2014, 10:20 »
I am guilty of not even opening CMP since Sunday evening.
When time permits, I will do some more checking.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 16 March 2014, 09:33 »
Hi oddi
"Found one problem with t7z LZMA - cmp with 7z 9.32 not remove files from t7z archive."
Well, see that's important, I will confirm same issue.
Maybe have time this evening (another 3-5 hours)
Oh are your delete strings correct ?
I use
Code: [Select]
d -y -ms=off -m1=LZMA -mx0 %1 %2

Yes confirmed,
9.32 is not removing files from t7z archives..

Swapped back to 9.28 alpha - worked perfect. ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 15 March 2014, 18:33 »
I just tried 9.32 7z UI, seems fine.
Oh, this warning ?

That is nothing ! You only see that when you click "Information" button.
I thought maybe 7z UI was reporting error OR (Annoying pop-up box) (Click OK) when testing archives or something.
Again Nothing, 9.32 seems fine, use it then.
2.30AM (again) zzzzzzzzz

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 15 March 2014, 18:12 »
You can use the 7z.exe (cmd line program) from 9.32 x64...
Just copy & paste the 7z.exe & put it in CMP's program folder..
(Path in settings 'default' 7z.exe)

Because, if you don't want the warning about "Information past the end of file" that t7z files cause,
then use an 'Older Version' of the 7z UI, sorry not sure which one, you will need to try yourself..

I haven't tested 7z.exe 9.32 much, it seems to work OK..
On Monday I will use it exclusively with CMP and report any issue.
I haven't used it enough to be confident there is any difference to using 9.28..
When I did the testing with 9.28, the 'latest alpha' at that time was 9.29 and that did not work as well as 9.28.
That's about all I remember, haha.
Now latest alpha is 9.32..
I am not sure there is any reason to update from 9.28 cause for me, 9.28 works very reliably.
Remember we only use the cmd 7z.exe in CMP only with 7z archives.
So if you don't use LZMA2, and one day will t7z the set, then 7z.exe is just a 'middle man'
Still I will test 9.32 thoroughly.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 15 March 2014, 14:48 »
Use the same 7z cmd line settings as you used previously.
The 'Default' setting with modern 7z.exe will create LZMA2 archives, LZMA2 can not be processed by t7z..
Setting t7z.exe directly in CMP's settings is just crazy.
So post processing t7z.exe with after CMP "Scanning & Fixing" is unavoidable.
Hence the reason I set -mx0
Plus the way CMP works 'as current' by adding 'file by file' on a Rebuilder run, so using higher 7z compression is a waste of time & resources..
I would never suggest anyone try Rebuild to 7z (a whole set)
This is why I call my 7z cmd settings 'Maintenance Settings" for using CMP with an already 7z & merged set.
Someone wishing to convert a MAME split & zip set to merged 7z, should use ZIP and "Scanner" to merge & Fix FIRST.
Then send the 'ROM Root' to t7z.exe (or Drag, Drop folder onto t7z.exe) to convert to t7z..
After complete, then configure CMP to work with 7z.
(I will re-t7z the 'ROM Root' occasionally, definitely not with every dat update)
Maybe if Roman makes some core changes 'one day', well that advice might change  ;D

Monday I will continue to test everything I can think of - starting over again with today's build.
Thanks for the effort you have put in, it's really appreciated.
I know I have worked with you fine-tuning CMP to be the best it can be, and you haven't rejected anything.
The new CMP opens up 7z usage, on a 32bit OS which couldn't be achieved previous to the latest updates.
Champion you are !

+1 for your effort on checking the >4Gb 7z, both 32 & 64

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 15 March 2014, 01:02 »
Very cool  8)

Fix confirmed !
Now oxy rushes off to work !

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 14 March 2014, 10:13 »
I will leave it in your very capable hands.
Here are 3 perfect original archives, one of each type - zip, rar, 7z to do the tests with.
And the required DAT.
"Scanner" will break the Rar & 7z archive (see above) - zip will be fine.

clrmame Discussion / Is the bug is specific to 7z only
« on: 14 March 2014, 09:11 »
Is the bug is specific to 7z only ?
OK, let's answer that question.
First, let's explain ORIGINAL archive has 3 files.

2 at Root level and one in a subfolder (file is same CRC as one of the root files)
Dat should remove the subfolder & it's contents.
Instead a rename is taking place, creating a dupe entry.

No Bug, after "Scanner" is complete, archive is perfect 2 files inside.

Yes, after "Scanner" is complete, archive has 3 files inside. (inc one dupe)
Another "Scanner" "New Scan" test, does NOT produce a warning message.
Can I consider no warning of dupes a bug too ? ZIP & 7z report this error, I checked.

Yes, after "Scanner" is complete, archive has 3 files inside. (inc one dupe)
Another "Scanner" "New Scan" test, does produce a warning message.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7z blockwise memory decompress
« on: 14 March 2014, 03:17 »
Thanks for feedback Oddi !
Right now I am making use of 7z.exe (7z.exe command line v9.32 -32 bit)
It seems to be working.. (But for sure I will keep this in my thoughts)

I found a bug, where CMP broke the 7z archive with duplicate filenames. (Better feedback later)
As I warned, I will test everything, my goal - break CMP's working operations.
I will produce 2 DAT files & sample TEST 7z archives for you to REPEAT the operation, later..
Step by Step testing first.

CMP is great though, it is seeing the dupe entry & reporting it.

Of course now the error is there, no further processing can be made on this archive  ;D

Dumped my broken archive.
Started fresh,
Maybe I am seeing the same as you here Oddi ?  (7z.exe command line v9.32 -32 bit)

I'll roll-back to v9.28, see if error goes.
The Result: Yes, Rebuilder message gone..
I will swap back to v9.32 - confirm it returns
The Result: No, same operation as before, this time it continues. Damn
Test continues on v9.32

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