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Topics - oxyandy

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / Logging of Rebuilt Source Files
« on: 17 July 2014, 13:34 »
Hi Roman,

I am suddenly in dire need of a logging feature when Rebuilding.
1. The name of the Source archive.
2. The internal file-name. (Which matched the dat)
3. What they were Rebuilt to.

I have never played with CMP logging previously, so does something like this exist already ?
Many thanks

clrmame Discussion / Smart Size Filter
« on: 25 June 2014, 02:02 »
Hi Roman,
I make a wish !
Currently I am using a header skipper plug-in with CMP..

My wish ?
CMP quickly scans through the DAT - determines largest file size, then when rebuilding, ignores all files over 'that' size :)
Explained clear enough ?


clrmame Discussion / "Edit DatFile" option in CMP
« on: 10 December 2013, 02:25 »
Hi Roman,
A request.
At the moment I am cataloging a whole bunch of stuff, and it keeps growing & changing.
I don't want to keep making new Dir2Dat's for additions.
There must be an easier way !

CMP has the option to right click a dat a select "Edit DatFile".

And I know if you have DatWorkshop installed it will open. << zero Unicode support

I want to use NotePad++

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