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Messages - oxyandy

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 14
it's still fails.
I would assume your silence says you got it working..

I repeated your steps so I can show you how...
I downloaded t7z.exe and dropped it into a folder, dropped the folder with the roms to convert onto the EXE - error msvcr71.dll not found, did a google search, found downloaded and dropped the msvcr71.dll into same folder as EXE..
Dropped the folder onto the EXE again got this prompt..
torrent7z_0.9.2beta/Sun Aug 17 23:08:24 2014
using 7-Zip (A) 4.65  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov  2009-02-03

Convert "C:\Folder with files to convert\Some_ROM.zip" to t7z?
 Yes (y)/No (n)/Yes to All *.zip (y+,a)/No to All *.zip (n+,-)/Quit (q)?
Hit the key 'a' then enter, converts all files in that folder not already in t7z format to t7z format

Often is on your pc somewhere, search and copy to same folder or just do a web search for msvcr71.dll

General / Re: Manually recompressing 7zip ROM
« on: 13 May 2020, 23:36 »
Probably out of scope for Roman to answer..
Not fully sure of what you are doing or what is going on with your emulator... but
Take a zipped archive drop it onto t7z.exe it will make a 7zip archive, does that resulting archive work with your emulator ?
If so, you could then drop a whole folder of zipped (or incompatible 7z) archives onto the EXE and it will convert them all

Does the 7z file already exist?
If so and it is a t7z file, the program 7z will issue an error "data past the end of the file" and abort
<you will not see this error unless you run the version of 7z.exe you are using as a command line window on the archives you are working with>
If you use a specific version of 7z.exe - think is version 7.28, you will not get this error
(if archives are t7z archives.)

(.....or I finally add an option which does this internally)
Sounds like an offer  8)
 ;D ;D

clrmame Discussion / Re: about scanner moving CHD...
« on: 26 October 2019, 21:50 »
Put all CHD files into one root folder always worked for me..
Should work with latest version.
(did with older versions of CMP and I have not tried for some time)
Then when you scan CMP should add the folders
EDIT set CMP backup folder to same drive as the set lives
so anything moved to back-up folder is quick and not 'moving' to a different drive

Hi Roman,
other than RAM and HDD what could cause hash computations to be an incorrect result please (wrong CRC calculated)
EDIT: silly question I know 🤣
Failing: motherboard, processor, i/o controller, inadequate or failing power supply.
Time to dump this hardware (well most)
Scanner Output: "wrong crc32: Some_file.bin [wrong: 537b1a1f] [right: f38a3b0f]"
Yet, independently - Some_file.bin is actually f38a3b0f

Here is a basic response just to say thanks Roman for even considering this.
When I have time in the next few days I will point out a few issues you may not even be aware of.
As you know I like to include detail in my posts so will not just make a 'rushed post',
I'll take my time and draft a really decent response, include screenshots and real examples to remove any ambiguity.
Cheers 👍

You need to follow the correct storing method:

rompath\setname\file 1...file n for decompressed sets
rompath\setname.zip (.rar/.7z) for compressed sets (where the archive holds file 1...file n for that one set)
Like an option to simply 'ignore setname' this way an existing dat such as:
NINTENDO GameCube (Redump.org)
..\007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer (Germany)\007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer (Germany).nkit.gcz
Could be used to store / scan all files at root level 'minus' the subfolders.

Hi Roman, hope you are well !  8)
Long time no posts from me..
I have always wished your wonderful program - with so many uses beyond emulation,
could handle unarchived files in a single folder - IE. dir2dat pointed to a folder at root level
contents indexed and able to be recreated / scanned from a dat.

clrmame Discussion / Re: cmpro no longer viable for me
« on: 09 June 2019, 12:16 »
Just making sure you downloaded the official version from
and not somewhere else ?

Roman does CMP use this method when it is doing internal operations
such as extracting a file from an archive into the temp directory ?

If you keep CMP & your set root folder names as short as possible it may help your problem

There are plenty of dats which have crc32, md5 & sha1
You will never have a collision of all 3 in a 'faked file'
so isn't it already secure enough ?
You tell me... :)

Sorry I have powered up some of my old drives and I guess cause I lived in a horrible humid place - sigh, most are not in good shape, when time permits

clrmame Discussion / Re: CRC issue with newest ClrMAME?
« on: 01 January 2017, 20:41 »
Search your destination folder for avalonc & avalonce..
Cut and move them elsewhere.. Test archives .. corrupt ?

Try rebuilding back into set..
fixed ?

I might have an old 32bit copy, just getting PCs put together & online again after a long absence.. Won't be on this PC so be patient,
I'll keep an eye out while I sort out my drives new/old..
maybe next few weeks......

(9.38 definitely fails with t7z archives)
The cmd line 7z 9.38 detects 'data past the end of archive' with t7z archives, then aborts with an error msg.

from memory 9.22 doesn't support renames. (but I would need to test to confirm, but wont be testing)
simple test anyway..
In CMP 'Compressor settings' tick rename, go out of those settings ,
then return (Rename now unticked ?) then that 7z.exe does not support renames, CMP tests it and unticks if test fails.
If still ticked then obviously renames are supported by the cmd line 7z.exe you specified..
9.28a does indeed work perfectly..
But, some of us use a different version of 7z (Installed GUI) such as 9.38 in \Program Files\7z (9.38 definitely fails with t7z archives)
End result we want  all CMP 'updated' archives in t7z format.
So, we force CMP to use 9.28a by actually dropping 7z.exe (9.28a) into CMP program's folder,
set CMP's 7z strings to force LZMA (LMZA2 is default otherwise) and force lowest compression (mx=0) cause we want CMP to do it's work quickly,
because once CMP has done it's task, we then manually "Send Folder" to t7z.exe to recompress only the 'updated archives',
end result = full 'updated' t7z'ed set

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