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Messages - Cassiel

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
clrmame Discussion / Re: Dir2Dat
« on: 10 July 2014, 09:09 »
Yup.... it pisses me right off prepping the next TOSEC release. LOL.

In reality it is not a big deal, most (all?) modern 'ROM' managers can handle either EOL type DAT, I just like to keep all the TOSEC DATs in Windows format rather than Unix for consistency, and therefore it's just ANOTHER thing to check when new DATs get submitted.

Though I guess it does serve a practical purpose when contributors are manualy checking/amending DATs, though I would hope they using something a bit more sophisticated than vanilla Notepad!

clrmame Discussion / Re: Dir2Dat
« on: 08 July 2014, 09:06 »
You are quick!   :o   I'm embarrassed now for being slow sorting out an example...

I've tested this on a random selection of TOSEC sets (both single rom per and set, and multi rom per set) and seems to work a treat... thank you.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Dir2Dat
« on: 07 July 2014, 16:21 »
Sorry... got really caught up at work. Will try and send some examples later tonight. Apologies for the delay!

clrmame Discussion / Re: Dir2Dat
« on: 07 July 2014, 09:46 »
Sorry, wasn't around over weekend. Depreciated.

Let me create one and send over in a bit...

clrmame Discussion / Re: Feature Suggestion: Attributes
« on: 07 July 2014, 09:44 »
Many thanks.   :)

Ooo... perfect. Will have a play then.

clrmame Discussion / Dir2Dat
« on: 04 July 2014, 11:26 »
Quick question: do you know why Dir2Dat randomly seems to choose either Windows or Unix line endings? I can't figure out the pattern of why it does this, though it does seem to favour Unix.

Any idea why? Or it is possible to add option to choose which every time?


I have another small request, though it may already exist and I just don't know it!

Keyboard short cuts for frequently used commands, such as switching between scanner/rebuild/profiler etc.

What do you think?

clrmame Discussion / Feature Suggestion: Attributes
« on: 04 July 2014, 11:21 »
I have a small request: can we have h/r/s attribute warnings saved in log?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Folders
« on: 13 August 2013, 15:33 »
Looks good! Thanks for the quick turn around... 

clrmame Discussion / Re: Folders
« on: 09 August 2013, 08:45 »
OK, thanks Roman.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Folders
« on: 08 August 2013, 16:34 »
PM sent...  :)

clrmame Discussion / Folders
« on: 07 August 2013, 12:04 »
Quick question...

Do you know if CMP handles folders/paths in a different way to WinRAR?

The reason I ask is in regards to DATs which include a very large number of ROMs in an individual set (Yori Yoshizuki's Unrenamed DATs for example). Rebuilding these to RAR can take ages, especially once the 'set' becomes large since every additional (tiny) 'rom' that gets added causes the whole set to be re-compressed again.

So... what I typically do with these DATs is rebuild uncompressed first, then use WinRAR to compress each set (only one pass per set then), then switch CMP back to 'compress with rar' and scan. This works pretty well, EXCEPT if the set contains folders/paths. CMP doesn't recognise any sub-folders created by WinRAR. Any ideas? Are there different ways to store/declare paths in RAR archives?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Scanning issue on specific file
« on: 14 October 2012, 15:55 »
Failing when I attach an archive...

Here: http://www.redsplinter.com/unknown/redump%20audio-cd.zip

clrmame Discussion / Scanning issue on specific file
« on: 14 October 2012, 15:53 »
I'm experiencing a weird issue scanning a set with a specific file.

If I use Redump DAT 'Audio-CD' and rebuild the CUE file 'D's Diner - The Director's Cut (Japan) ([3DO] D no Shokutaku - The Director's Cut Bundle).cue', it rebuilds fine. However, when I then scan the DAT CMP hangs on this set. I have not rebuilt the actual image yet, the set ONLY includes the CUE atm.

I'm using:
MS Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
ClrMamePro v4.08a
WinRAR v4.20

I am rebuilding to a RAR archive. I experience the same behaviour if I manually add the CUE using WinRAR.

Pertinent files attached.

Any ideas?

clrmame Discussion / Re: cmpro 4.08 released
« on: 12 October 2012, 21:17 »
Rename option most appreciated Roman, nice one....   ;D

clrmame Discussion / Re: Proud Daddy
« on: 15 September 2012, 21:17 »
Congratulations!   ;D

clrmame Discussion / Re: Suggestion: Merge Options in BatchMode
« on: 13 September 2012, 19:28 »
Poor mummy... bet she getting well pissed off!   ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: some updated build
« on: 05 September 2012, 22:56 »
(same for rar).

That would be great...

clrmame Discussion / Re: WinRAR suggestion/query
« on: 10 July 2012, 16:49 »
OK, cool. Would be good if it can/you can implement... is difference between it taking a few seconds (rename) to potentially >20mins (add/del) depending on set.

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