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Topics - andrebrait

Pages: [1]
Hi there,

I have tried to generate a 1G1R set for the Nintendo DS using DAT-o-matic's Parent/Clone XML (with default parent data) and I observed a few issues with it.

ROMs like "Mario Kart DS" would be simply missing, despite being available for all regions I selected (USA and EUR, in that order), among others. I see the full data for them in the DAT, including region data, but the ROM file is simply never picked up for selection.

For GBA, also, a number of Animal Crossing titles were missing, as well as a few other ones here and there.

Again, I checked the DAT and all the Parent/Clone data was there for those games.

I'll generate a better bug report with more detailed information, as all that happened a few weeks ago.

I created a small Python application that generates what the ROM selection is supposed to be like, from a Parent/Clone DAT, as a means of validating the selection clrmamepro makes (as well as creating my own tool for that because I wanted the sets immediately back then, instead of reporting the bug and letting someone fix it, wait, etc )

You can find it here: https://github.com/andrebrait/1g1r-romset-generator

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