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Messages - Kortoga

Pages: [1]
I am assuming the only way to correct bad dumps is to find good dumps to replace them with.

Scanner--> Scan Results Window--> [Set Information]
Found It!!!
I was looking for these settings forever.  I knew I wasn't crazy.
I used the [avail. sets] button and the scan was fast and showed me everything I wanted to know.
I have my sets UN-merged, space is not a problem.  And I have all the "bad ROMs" stored away in another folder for future use if required.

Thank you for the software.  I have a budget for this project.  Before I started I knew their would be people like yourself who have dedicated their career skill-set to making tools like clrmame.  So I set aside monies to be able to support those who give their skills for free.  I will certainly donate to your project and encourage everyone else reading this to consider the same.  With donations will come bigger and better things from you.
Thank you very much...

How do I set clrmamepro to ONLY scan the roms in my rom folder?
Is it possible to set a scan like this?

I un-merged, rebuilt all the way to the latest ROM set.  This took me days.  And I have a very fast PC doing this work.  I have moved all the other 75GB of ROMs out of my actual ROM folder so I don't have to sit through weeks of downloading artwork for junk I will never play with.  Plus I wanted a sure-fire way to ensure adult material didn't pop up.  ROMLister saved my life.
I really just wanted to separate the good from the bad, so when I download artwork, I don't waste days downloading junk I will never use.
My internet connection has taken enough of a beating these last few weeks.

Now I want to only scan through what I have, so the report window shows meaningful data of what I own and use, not a bunch of missing ROM icons for 17,800 files.

Thank you, this software rocks...

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