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Messages - abelenki

Pages: 1 [2]
clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame 4.016 released
« on: 01 January 2015, 04:46 »
Roman, thanks for great release!!

B2K24, thanks for the explanations.

as B2K24 suggested, i use these settings for MAME and HBMAME merged sets:

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 10 October 2014, 06:49 »
no need anymore...I found the problem...

sorry for late reply, but i just checked full integrity 7z scan (4GB+ per set) with the latest cmp, and it works fine.

no more warnings and errors.

thank you very much, Roman. much appreciated.

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 13 March 2014, 11:10 »
external 7z has nothing to do with it.....

can you send / upload your romfolder (try to minimize the problem...maybe just 1 7z file etc...) somehow/somewhere

well, the rom folder is 4TB, so, no. ;) i will post one 7z tomorrow...


clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 13 March 2014, 09:06 »
here's my complete cmp folder, which i'm running cmp from:


clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 13 March 2014, 09:00 »
well, then your 7z is bad.... :-)

i'm using latest:

7-Zip [64] 9.32 alpha  Copyright (c) 1999-2013 Igor Pavlov  2013-12-01

No really..there was an issue with the 1st release mentioned in the thread...the second rar file fixes that thing...so please double check if you really used the 2nd download link...

i just re-downloaded the archive and overwrote 7z_64.dll, cmpro64.exe.

same error on every set... :(

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 13 March 2014, 08:45 »
you haven't downloaded the latest one....


i tried 7z_64.dll + cmpro64.exe right from this archive.

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 13 March 2014, 07:38 »
Go here, grab the new CMP, test your over 4Gb 7z's please, then report on that thread, thanks !

hi Roman,

i just tried new 7z_64.dll + cmpro64.exe.

now it gives errors on all sets, including less than 4GB.

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 17 February 2014, 01:59 »
looks like the old 7z sdk function SzArEx_Extract can only handle 32bit file size limits....
tough luck...the error message itself is just a following error based on the fact that the decompress fails...

can it be fixed?

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 16 February 2014, 14:29 »
I will run some tests...

thanks, i will be patiently wating for your results.

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 15 February 2014, 08:06 »
scan is progressing, i got same errors for .7z archives which are 4+GB.

p.s.: i attached the screenshot.

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 15 February 2014, 07:29 »
it means the file's data hashvalue does not match the hash value which is stored in the archive management structures...in other words the archive is bad. you can fix this by manually unpacking and repacking the data to a new archive.

would be interesting to look at the archive though. any chance to send me that 'broken' one?

Roman, thanks for being so quick. please read my second reply about possible conflicts.

p.s.: also, as i stated, i unpacked and packed it again. no errors in 7-zip. and this set if the first one which are 4+ GB in the folder.

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange error
« on: 15 February 2014, 07:28 »
i think, i found why it happens.

Kludge mentioned this on #romshepherd some time ago.

it happens only with files which are larger than 4GB.

but i use x64 version of cmp and x64 os, so all my 16GB of RAM should be addressed correctly.

clrmame Discussion / strange error
« on: 15 February 2014, 06:07 »
i'm using latest cmp 4.012b and i got this error when deep scanning IBM PC Compatible set in 7z format:

Archive Header CRC32 doesn't match CRC32 of decompressed data for file: F:\emulation\games\PCDiscs\1701 A.D. (USA)\1701 A.D. (USA).iso

any advices, how i can fix that?

p.s.: error from the .log:

1701 A.D. (USA) [folder: 1701 A.D. (USA) - size: 4gb]
Full archive integrity check reported errors or a header crc32 mismatch was found.

p.s. 2: i unpacked this archive, re-7zipped it, and i still got the same error in cmp.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.012a released
« on: 23 December 2013, 11:46 »

merry christmas to everyone!!

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange 7z warnings
« on: 24 March 2013, 14:12 »
Zandro, i followed your suggestion to shorten cmp temp path. i edited cmpro.ini with:

CMPro_TempFolder = D:\Temp\

now i performed the scan again, and voila, no more warnings.

thank you very much!! you've been very helpful.

oxyandy, my PC config is on my signature. and i use Windows 8 x64. anyway, the problem is solved now. ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: strange 7z warnings
« on: 24 March 2013, 04:54 »
thanks for investigating.

so, beasically i could get rid of that error, if i shortened temp path?

clrmame Discussion / [SOLVED] strange 7z warnings
« on: 22 March 2013, 11:22 »

i've got the following warnings when scanning PS1 Japanese set with latest cmp 4.010 x64 and latest beta x64 (http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130312.rar):

(see attached screenshot)

the funny thing, these warnings appears after scanning letters F and G, where "problematic" sets are situated, not during scanning F and G.

also, i tested those archives with latest 7-Zip - they are perfectly fine.

can someone help with this problem?

my cmp settings and used DAT file are attached to the post.

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