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Messages - adabo

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Ohh, so it automatically takes the limited custom set I have of 600 merged machines and rebuilds them using the full mame xml? I did a couple tests with 1 or 2 machines and it worked.

I don't know why I thought I needed to provide your Rebuilder utility with a custom xml with my specific 600 machines.

Very cool, thank you :)

Thank you. So how do I create the xml for it? My set is 600 games. The only xml I have is the full mame 0.266.xml.

I have a set of 600 merged roms that I want to un-merge and include the necessary bios sets for each game. Can clrmame do this, and if so how?

Side note: I've tried using datutil.exe to build a dat using a list of games in txt file but it keeps hanging after 30 or so games.

Which is approximately what I've been doing as a work around. Combining clrmamepro and Total Commander have worked out well enough. The draw back is tedium. Thank you for the reply. Nice to speak with a developer :)

Any thoughts about file/folder management? E.G, the possibility to split rom sets into folders using filters (Manufacturer, Year, Bios, etc ...).

clrmame Discussion / What is the CLRMamepro Regex syntax?
« on: 17 June 2017, 04:08 »
The only regex I found was the fnmatch python syntax. The link was broken on the help page, but google helped.

fnmatch has like 4 operators. I was hoping to do more robust expressions.

For now I would just be happy with some way to negate, eg. select %m=*nintendo* but NOT %d=*playchoice*


eh, I'm a bit slow. I think I figured it out, because apparently I was doing it all wrong before. This time I put the source folders in the Add Paths. Source folders unharmed :)

When I rebuild to and older set using a new set, the source (new set) loses a bunch of sets. How can I prevent this?

I just want the rebuild process to leave the source directory unchanged. If that's even possible.

Roman, I have another problem. The MAME vs I'm running does not work with the neogo bios files I have. I have all the necessary roms in the zip file, but the checksums don't match. Would it be possible to reverse patch these to the 119 crc's?

Roman, thank you very for you're insight. I wasn't aware there wasn't a reason to downgrade. I thought new collections wouldn't work with older mame versions or something. As it stands, I'm using MAME32k++(Plus! Plus!) because of it's netplay support. And that build is 119.

Oh well, thanks again for the response :)

Would it possible to convert (downgrade?) a rom collection 139 to 119? Thanks in advance.

So far I was able to get most, but there are many more that didn't rebuild correcly. Thanks -adabo

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