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Messages - Cassiel

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clrmame Discussion / MAME SL: Fujitsu FM Towns CD-ROMs
« on: 04 October 2023, 13:19 »
Not a big deal, but is there any way to get CMP to disregard this error so appears as 'Green'?

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME v0.241 snes.xml
« on: 24 February 2022, 14:00 »
Hmmm... hit another one with spectrum_cass.

Spaces if nothing to do with nothing I see...

clrmame Discussion / MAME v0.241 snes.xml
« on: 24 February 2022, 13:50 »
FYI CMP seems to choke on the latest SNES softlist "incomplete datfile or a bad exe output". Last set it could import is "flintsmp".

I've tried grabbing the latest from MAMEDev Git, but same issue.

Maybe something to do with the latest parser change in latest CMP build? Also I've never noticed before but snes.xml/dat seems to have multiple spaces at times. Not sure if that's to do with anything.... haven't looked into further yet.  :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Suggestion...
« on: 20 February 2021, 21:03 »
Thats great... thank you very much!

clrmame Discussion / Re: Suggestion...
« on: 10 February 2021, 15:47 »
...gentle nudge   :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Suggestion...
« on: 29 January 2021, 12:29 »
Thank you!

clrmame Discussion / Suggestion...
« on: 25 January 2021, 21:39 »
Another quick suggestion, unless i just have not found this setting yet.  :)

When rebuilding from a folder with sub-folders, where the destination folder is within the sub-folders, CMP throws up an error to warn of this ('CMP will skip this folder'). Fair enough. However, sometimes this is known and desired behaviour (not a user error) but in batch mode this causes a problem because it requires user intervention every time to click OK, carry on.

Can a Yes To All or equivalent (Ignore warning?) be added to mitigate this?

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 20 November 2020, 21:14 »
Excellent. Thanks, will give it a go.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Two Small Feature Requests
« on: 20 November 2020, 21:13 »
Thank you!

clrmame Discussion / Two Small Feature Requests
« on: 13 November 2020, 22:36 »
Nothing Earth shattering, but keep forgetting to post the suggestion:

1) Filter on Profiler for red/green/unscanned
2) Show DAT count when selecting a number of DATs in Profiler (useful to make sure the number you are expecting matches what CMP sees, especially when batch adding)

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 12 November 2020, 22:07 »
Oh! Forgot attachments disabled.

Find below:

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 12 November 2020, 22:04 »
Just tired, no dice. PM coming your way...

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 12 November 2020, 15:23 »
You're going to regret saying that, have spotted another weird thing...   ;D

I have a DAT set, it is complete (224 files in folder, as should be).

When I run a scan in CMP, it insists I am missing the ROM (but not SET interestingly): "Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag - High Society][48K] & One On One (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr L.S.D.][48K] & Hard Hat Mack (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K].rar".

The file is definitely there, I can see (and retrieve Properties for example) in both Windows Explorer and XYplorer. I can open it in WinRAR without issue, and it passes Test Archive.

The path is: "G:\Emulation Images\TOSEC\Apple\II\Compilations\Games\[DO]\Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag - High Society][48K] & One On One (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr L.S.D.][48K] & Hard Hat Mack (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K].rar" which is obviously on the long side again.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 27 September 2020, 12:44 »

Apologies for the belated feedback.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 23 September 2020, 14:57 »
Cool. As always, thanks for the attention to detail.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 22 September 2020, 08:39 »
Excellent...   :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 21 September 2020, 11:28 »
Hmmm, will try again using "Add" later today (I do usually use Add for MAME Softlists, but not most DATs).

I did try Refreshing a couple of times.... no change.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 21 September 2020, 10:09 »
Profiler. Brand new DAT, sitting in that path (manually copied over). It's definitely there, I can see/open it through regular Windows Explorer and XYplorer. Profiler does not see it.

clrmame Discussion / 32k Path Length Issue
« on: 21 September 2020, 09:37 »
Hey Roman, long time no post.

I'm experiencing an issue regarding your v4.036 change:
"added: automatic 32k path length support, no more need to use \\?\ prefixes (*)"
(BTW was super stoked when I read that!)

I have a TOSEC-PIX DAT that CMP does not recognise:
"C:\Program Files\ClrMamePro\datfiles\TOSEC-PIX\Tandy Radio Shack\Magazines\Byte Bandits of America Tandy TRS-80's Computer Club Newsletter\Tandy Radio Shack - Magazines - Byte Bandits of America Tandy TRS-80's Computer Club Newsletter (TOSEC-v2010-01-21_CM)"

The path length is 261, which takes it over the MAX_PATH limit of 260 (by one bloody char!) but my understanding is this should not be an issue now?

Obviously this is not the end of the world, can work around, but thought you would like to know (especially if an easy fix). I've not checked any other TOSEC DATs yet, this is just one I spotted first.

Undumped Wiki / Coke-Cola Vending Machine with Game
« on: 18 April 2016, 14:43 »
Just a quick one...

I was reading an old copy of C&VG and saw this news item about a Coke vending machine with a built in game. Might be worth investigating if any has the time/interest...  :)

It is in: Computer & Video Games - Issue 022 (1983-08)

Attached is the excerpt.

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