« on: 06 June 2022, 18:51 »
OK, I just download Roman's 4.045 and tried running it again... the "unneeded sets" issue doesn't appear, but it's still giving me the same "missing set" and "missing rom" errors for all the files mentioned above. I have confirmed those .zip files are in my roms directory (and the "missing roms" are actually within that ZIP file)
The common factor I see: Each one of these sets include an embedded clone set (abp/abpv2, famicom/famitwin/nes, genesis/genesis_tmss, etc.) which has an embedded folder within the .zip file.
My clrmamepro setup:
* Prefer merged sets
* Scan sets/ROMs/samples/CHDs
* Check and fix ALL types (Missing, Case, etc.)
* Separate BIOS sets is checked
- Paultup