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Topics - adabo

Pages: [1]
I have a set of 600 merged roms that I want to un-merge and include the necessary bios sets for each game. Can clrmame do this, and if so how?

Side note: I've tried using datutil.exe to build a dat using a list of games in txt file but it keeps hanging after 30 or so games.

clrmame Discussion / What is the CLRMamepro Regex syntax?
« on: 17 June 2017, 04:08 »
The only regex I found was the fnmatch python syntax. The link was broken on the help page, but google helped.

fnmatch has like 4 operators. I was hoping to do more robust expressions.

For now I would just be happy with some way to negate, eg. select %m=*nintendo* but NOT %d=*playchoice*


When I rebuild to and older set using a new set, the source (new set) loses a bunch of sets. How can I prevent this?

I just want the rebuild process to leave the source directory unchanged. If that's even possible.

Would it possible to convert (downgrade?) a rom collection 139 to 119? Thanks in advance.

So far I was able to get most, but there are many more that didn't rebuild correcly. Thanks -adabo

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