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Topics - Mpegforever

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clrmame Discussion / 0.179b full romset exists ?
« on: 26 November 2016, 00:03 »
I think I have all the roms necessary to build the whole romset but still some hundreds are missing, using MAME0179b.exe to extract the rom list. Scanner says.
So, is it correct to say that in any moment of MAME existance, there is always the possibility to create a full romset, i.e. when cmpro says zero roms missing ?
I mean, can it be that some roms do not exist and then scanner counts them as missing ?
Thanks, am just not sure about  this.
Grazie, ciao

I am using the snap files from ProgettoSnaps for the snapshots and the cabinets.
I am not sure how to do it properly.
Example: let's use cabinets.
If I have /mame/cabinets/cabinets.zip then it takes ages to rebuild. One cabinet file every 8 seconds...(!)
If I have /mame/cabinets/cabinets/...all the pngs here... it still takes long. Less ...but on the other hand we are dealing with thousands of file which makes backups and other operations a pain. We also have snapshots, etc.
What is the best setup ?
Thanks, ciao

Hi. Please tell me if I get this error because I don't know the theory well...let me explain..thanks for the help.
I have a full 0.14x (something) romset (I recall from 4/5 years ago). Now I downloaded MAME64 0.179b. I run profiler and use this new exe to extract the list of games.
I also have the 0.151 romset which looks full but I am not sure. So I'd like to rebuild all the news from 0.151 folder into the "old" 0.14x romset. When rebuilder runs, every 10/20 seconds max I have a popup saying there is an error adding a file of a rom in a certain zip file and it asks me if I want to interrupt the process. Why ?

- Is it correct to use 0.179b MAME64 exe ?
- Else, where is the 0.179b DAT file ? I could not find it
- What is best procedure to reach a "good" romset from my 0.14x to the latest version ?
- Stupid question... if latest MAME64 is 0.179 does that mean that it is possible to achieve today a full 0.179 romset ? Or not ?

Thanks, as you see I miss some theory here but I will try to read around also.
Grazie, ciao

General / clientServerMame anybody tested it ?
« on: 29 February 2012, 22:59 »
Hi, anybody tested clientServerMame ? I do like and use mame32ui but since I'm a network engineer I will absolutely try this out ! if someone knows it pls reply.
thx, ciao

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