clrmame Discussion / 0.179b full romset exists ?
« on: 26 November 2016, 00:03 »
I think I have all the roms necessary to build the whole romset but still some hundreds are missing, using MAME0179b.exe to extract the rom list. Scanner says.
So, is it correct to say that in any moment of MAME existance, there is always the possibility to create a full romset, i.e. when cmpro says zero roms missing ?
I mean, can it be that some roms do not exist and then scanner counts them as missing ?
Thanks, am just not sure about this.
Grazie, ciao
I think I have all the roms necessary to build the whole romset but still some hundreds are missing, using MAME0179b.exe to extract the rom list. Scanner says.
So, is it correct to say that in any moment of MAME existance, there is always the possibility to create a full romset, i.e. when cmpro says zero roms missing ?
I mean, can it be that some roms do not exist and then scanner counts them as missing ?
Thanks, am just not sure about this.
Grazie, ciao