clrmame Discussion / Atari XE Game System - xegs - Issue: Double name / MESS
« on: 05 September 2014, 02:38 »
At revision: 31910
Name will be changed to: 'xegs_0'!
This happen when the clrmamepro seeing two are the same name. Looking at the driver there aren't two sets. How would it see two then?
ROM_REGION(0x10000, "maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASE00)
ROM_LOAD( "c101687.rom", 0x8000, 0x8000, CRC(d50260d1) SHA1(0e0625ab2473f8431640df3ac8af61925760b9b9) ) // Rev. C + Rev. 4 + Missile Command
COMP ( 1987, xegs, 0, 0, xegs, a800xl, driver_device, 0, "Atari", "Atari XE Game System", GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) // 64k RAM
I even checked the list. No two of these ether.
xegs // 1987 Atari XE Game System
Must be some kind of reading error or there is extra info somewhere I'm not seeing listed?
Anyway I fix it by using Merge.
Name will be changed to: 'xegs_0'!
This happen when the clrmamepro seeing two are the same name. Looking at the driver there aren't two sets. How would it see two then?
ROM_REGION(0x10000, "maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASE00)
ROM_LOAD( "c101687.rom", 0x8000, 0x8000, CRC(d50260d1) SHA1(0e0625ab2473f8431640df3ac8af61925760b9b9) ) // Rev. C + Rev. 4 + Missile Command
COMP ( 1987, xegs, 0, 0, xegs, a800xl, driver_device, 0, "Atari", "Atari XE Game System", GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS ) // 64k RAM
I even checked the list. No two of these ether.
xegs // 1987 Atari XE Game System
Must be some kind of reading error or there is extra info somewhere I'm not seeing listed?
Anyway I fix it by using Merge.