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Topics - zenjiro

Pages: [1]
Come da titolo, ho eseguito una scansione col CLRmamepro e mi da i seguenti errori:

- Candy Puzzle (v1.0) [system: Amiga CD32 Bios - folder: cndypuzl - size: 1mb]
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\cndypuzl\391640-03.u6a

- Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper [system: Naomi GD-ROM Bios - folder: sfz3ugd - size: 1gb]
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21576d.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21576e.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21576g.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21577d.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21577e.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21578d.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\epr-21578e.bin
not separated biosrom file: C:\Games\MameUI32\roms\sfz3ugd\fpr-23489c.ic14

Cosa vuol dire, e come faccio a fixare?

Pages: [1]

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