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clrmame Discussion / Merged Sets Scans
« on: 08 January 2022, 06:50 »
So after nearly 20 years of mame use, and what I "thought" I was doing right was that I discovered that my so called "Merged" sets are actually missing ROMs.
Only by accident after trying to play Slapfight Bootleg Set1, which is actually part of m1albsq parent set.
So my question is that since I've got "Merged Sets" selected on scanner, did does not find any missed clones/bootlegs when I do a "Miss List".
I then tried selecting "Non-merged" to get a full miss list, and got a huge missing list. If I then run a "Fix all" scan, it starts breaking all the roms up into non-merged sets, and created a mess of a ROM folder.
So back to square 1 and the main reason for my question is ;
How to you scan using "Merged" Sets for ROMs that are actually missing clones/bootlegs? Because "Miss List" is not capturing any of these.
Help please

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