clrmame Discussion / Language selection in 1G1R mode
« on: 21 March 2020, 23:14 »
Hi folks,
I'm attempting to build a dat for CLRMAMEPro's 1G1R mode that includes language data. Is there are way in the dat to format the language parameter so CLRMAMEPro understands multiple languages as a list/array/set instead of a string, without duplicates showing up? So for example the following entries:
Would ideally be interpreted by CLRMAMEPro in 1G1R mode as:
And not:
I'm attempting to build a dat for CLRMAMEPro's 1G1R mode that includes language data. Is there are way in the dat to format the language parameter so CLRMAMEPro understands multiple languages as a list/array/set instead of a string, without duplicates showing up? So for example the following entries:
Code: [Select]
language="En, De, Ja, Th"
language="En, Fr, Ja, No, Zh"
Would ideally be interpreted by CLRMAMEPro in 1G1R mode as:
- De
- En
- Fr
- Ja
- No
- Th
- Zh
And not:
- En, De, Ja, Th
- En, Fr, Ja, No, Zh