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Topics - RK_aus_S

Pages: [1]
Yes, I'm quite new with ClrMamePro, and my questions are possibly silly (therfore the suitable avatar... ;-) - sorry for that in advance.

I've downloaded a MAME 0.78 romset with about 4800 zip files. I created a Profile with an appropriate DAT-File and scanned and rebuilded this romset source a few times with different settings. But no matter if I choose "Non-merged sets" or "Split sets"; after lettings CMP running over this 4800 files, only about 1715 files remained, the rest was moved to the backup folder of CMP. Fore sure I do something wrong or I have a misunderstandig. But where?

My goal is the following: meanwhile I have about 10 MAME 0.78 romsets, some with over 1000 zip files some with over 4000 zip files. I wish I could say "hey ClrMamePro, this are 10 directories with romsets - make ONE Non-merged romset for me and delete (backup) all the rest". Quite sure CMP is exctly for that, but I have no idea how to do that...


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