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Topics - edge33

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / weird missing set not listed
« on: 28 October 2017, 18:22 »
Hi everyone, I have a weird behaviour from latest clrmamepro.
I have a complete 0.191 merged set,
when I scan my set, nothing missing is reported. if I try to export a have/miss list, the missing list says I'm missing the s97271p. Is it a known issue? Again, the scanner says nothing is missing.
how do I fix this?

clrmame Discussion / Fix errors on evil sets after rebuild
« on: 09 September 2017, 14:51 »
Hi, I managed to rebuild my complete 0.186 romset, from merged to non-merged using clramamepro, still, everytime I scan the romset i get errors of missing roms on those "evil" nown sets such as funkyfiga, lucky8a and royalcrdfr. I read on some topics that these errors are due to some clashes on the "merge" attribute, or some naming clash.
However this roms are working for me.... is there anyway to fix these scan errors?

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