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clrmame Discussion / Scanner: trackfld ROM disappears at scan/fix
« on: 24 September 2023, 05:46 »
Hi Roman,

Got one for you to check.
crlmamepro 4.047 used, default settings.
Scan/fix "MAME 0.258 ROMs (merged)" to "MAME 0.259 ROMs (merged)" loses a ROM for the trackfld set.
Content and steps (text file) to reproduce are in the zipfile.

With kind regards,

clrmame Discussion / Trimming of a leading space in a filename
« on: 15 December 2022, 08:33 »
Hi Roman,

We ran into this issue with the dogfight entry in SoftList msx1_cass.xml.

<rom name="dogfights\ zero fighter - dog fighter (1985)(microbyte)(es)[bload'cas-',r].cas" size="8534" crc="94a480e2" sha1="da0f4e2660ca03e3403e7d22945ea9bae89ab571" />

Notice the leading space before the "zero".
I agree it being a bug (reported) that needs trimming, but is there a way for CMP to (always) warn if this is the case instead of doing it silently?
It would be easier to notice and report bugs like these.
It now took someone using RomVault (not trimming) to notice the 2 byte difference in result between the datfile and the ROMs set.

Also referring to:

With kind regards, NU.

clrmame Discussion / revx.zip scanner weirdness
« on: 24 October 2022, 09:11 »
Hi Roman,

I ran into this little weirdness while scanning/fixing the split and non-merged sets.
The zipfile revx.zip contains 4 duplicate ROMs that exist in the zipfile with different names.

"revx.u51" CRC(9960ac7c) SHA1(441322f061d627ca7573f612f370a85794681d0f)
"revx.u52" CRC(fbf55510) SHA1(8a5b0004ed09391fe37f0f501b979903d6ae4868)
"revx.u53" CRC(a045b265) SHA1(b294d3a56e41f5ec4ab9bbcc0088833b1cab1879)
"revx.u54" CRC(24471269) SHA1(262345bd147402100785459af422dafd1c562787)

In the 0.249 datfile, these 4 files are being renamed, but same files are already present in the zipfile with these name.
The clrmamepro (4.046b) scanner (all fix options enabled) shows an error that it failed to unpack revx.u53 and revx.u54.
The zipfile test OK and I can unpack these files with no problem.

This commit makes the changes:

Any idea what's causing the scanner to produce these errors?
Files to reproduce attached.

With kind regards, NU.

Hi Roman,

Rebuilding the 0.241 pc8801_flop set with the pc8801_flop 0.242 XML ends up in losing a ROM.
Attached both sets in 0.241 configuration and the stripped 0.242 XML to reproduce.
The 2 ROMs are being swapped between these sets.
Scan/fix the 2 sets will result in an attempt to resize, remove and and adding the missing ROM.
You would expect the ROMs to be placed in and being able to rebuilt from backup.
However 1 ROM has disappeared, even when you choose not to resize.
Rebuilding from a copy of the 2 sets results in 0 missings.

With kind regards, NU.

clrmame Discussion / CMP trims trailing dot in ROM name
« on: 28 July 2021, 15:46 »
Hi roman,

In regard to:
Line 131 "jp1_mpr0.2c." ends up "jp1_mpr0.2c" in the zipfile.
Even though a (now fixed) bug in the MAME source, IMO the trailing dot should not be trimmed.

Regards, NU.

clrmame Discussion / Scanner does not check crc32?
« on: 08 April 2021, 09:11 »
Hi Roman,

I ran into something I can't explain with the scanner, while scanning a set with an old crc32 only datfile.
Attached a datfile and zip of the MAME 0.36 turbotag set.
The ttprog1.bin in the zipfile has crc b0505e18.
The datfile shows crc 4fafa1e7 for ttprog1.bin.
The size of the file is as it should be, 8192 bytes.

The rebuilder doesn't pick up the ttprog1.bin file, as expected.
However, if you scan the zipfile with ttprog1.bin included, it won't mark it as unneeded.
If you add an empty ttprog1.bin file to the zipfile, it will be marked as unneeded by size.

Why is this file not recognized by the scanner as unneeded by crc?

With kind regards, NU.

clrmame Discussion / Filename trailing dots cut-off
« on: 09 October 2020, 16:03 »
Hi Roman,

MAME 0.225 Software Lists CHDs, pc98_cd.xml

Code: [Select]
<software name="toshin2s">
<disk name="toushin toshi ii - soshite, sorekara..." sha1="10ae6ad7d25f19f4af5dc51953c733496b14b5b2" />

Results in "toushin toshi ii - soshite, sorekara.chd".
If renamed according to the XML, clrmamepro insists on renaming it back.
Code: [Select]
Toushin Toshi II - Soshite, Sorekara... [folder: toshin2s - size: 0]
wrong name: E:\mamesecret\MAME-Software-List-CHDs\MAME 0.225 Software List CHDs (merged)\pc98_cd\toshin2s\toushin toshi ii - soshite, sorekara....chd [wrong: toushin toshi ii - soshite, sorekara....chd] [right: toushin toshi ii - soshite, sorekara.chd]

I agree, it's a nasty label ;)
I've therefor also consulted MAMEdev to look at the label name (and similar ones).
Is it (to your knowledge) a convention that trailing dots are (supposed to be) ignored?

Regards, NU.

clrmame Discussion / CMP 4.037a scanner ROMs deleted
« on: 30 July 2020, 06:49 »
Hi Roman,

After rebuilding HBMAME 0.222 to 0.223, 2 mslug3 ROMs that were part of 0.222 were mysteriously missing after scanning/fixing.
I can reproduce the issue.
The corresponding datfile confirms that both ROMs are part of the "HBMAME 0.222 ROMs(merged)" set as:

Code: [Select]
<rom name="mslug3h58\256h58.p2" size="4194304" crc="15bb1f0d" sha1="bf0a6bf38a4addcf9a7a08b04943594666347d6a" />
<rom name="mslug3h62\256h62.p1" size="1048576" crc="61f2a873" sha1="9e9804ffc94fe3262bb4e8efe1ba7e313d4ab37e" />

I've copied only mslug3.zip from the 0.222 set to a new folder "HBMAME 0.223 ROMs (merged) - mslug3" and created a "HBMAME 0.223 ROMS (merged) - mslug3.xml" datfile (attached).

If you don't have it, you can also rebuild it with the attached "HBMAME 0.222 ROMs (merged) - mslug3.xml" datfile.
Load the datfile in CMP 4.037a.
Point at the new folder mentioned above.
Run a scan with all fix options checked.
When prompted to fix: Yes To All
Rebuild from backup (none rebuilt) and the update (3 added).
Ended up with the 2 missing ROMs:

Code: [Select]
Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560) [folder: mslug3 - size: 660mb]
missing rom: mslug3h58\256h58.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 15bb1f0d] [SHA1: bf0a6bf38a4addcf9a7a08b04943594666347d6a]
missing rom: mslug3h62\256h62.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 61f2a873] [SHA1: 9e9804ffc94fe3262bb4e8efe1ba7e313d4ab37e]

CMP dialog output:
Code: [Select]
Set: Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)
Name: mslug3
File: HBMAME-ROMs\HBMAME 0.223 ROMs (merged) - mslug3\mslug3.zip

Do you want to rename the following wrong named ROMs?

mslug3h01\256h01.p1 -> mslug3ern08\256h01.p1
mslug3h06\256h06.p1 -> mslug3ern05\256h06.p1
mslug3h09\256h09.p1 -> mslug3ern09\256h09.p1
mslug3h40\256sold.c1 -> mslug3esrp02\256sold.c1
mslug3h40\256sold.c2 -> mslug3esrp02\256sold.c2
mslug3h40\256sold.c3 -> mslug3esrp02\256sold.c3
mslug3h40\256sold.c4 -> mslug3esrp02\256sold.c4
mslug3h40\256sold.m1 -> mslug3esrp02\256sold.m1
mslug3h40\256sold.s1 -> mslug3ern02\256sold.s1
mslug3h41\256h41.p1 -> mslug3ern04\256h41.p1
mslug3h42\256h42.p1 -> mslug3ern03\256h42.p1
mslug3h46\256h46.m1 -> mslug3ern02\256h46.m1
mslug3h46\256h46.p1 -> mslug3ern02\256h46.p1
mslug3h46\256h46.v4 -> mslug3ern02\256h46.v4
mslug3h48\256h48.p2 -> mslug3esrp05\256h50.p2
mslug3h51\256h54.c7 -> mslug3ern01\256h54.c7
mslug3h51\256h54.c8 -> mslug3ern01\256h54.c8
mslug3h51\256nd.p1 -> mslug3h48\256nd.p1
mslug3h52\256h52.p1 -> mslug3ern01\256h52.p1
mslug3h56\256h56.p2 -> mslug3ern01\256h56.p2
mslug3h57\256h59.p2 -> mslug3esrp01\256esrp01.p2
mslug3h58\256h58.p2 -> mslug3h48\256h48.p2
mslug3h60\256h60.p2 -> mslug3ern03\256ern03.p2
mslug3h61\256h61.p2 -> mslug3esrp02\256h61.p2
mslug3h62\256h62.p1 -> mslug3esrp04\256esp04.p1
mslug3h62\256h62.p2 -> mslug3esrp04\256esp04.p2
mslug3h63\256h63.p2 -> mslug3ern04\256h63.p2
mslug3h64\256h64.p1 -> mslug3h56\256h56.p1
mslug3h65\256h69.p2 -> mslug3ern02\256h60.p2
mslug3h66\256h66.p1 -> mslug3h57\256h57.p1
mslug3h66\256h66.p2 -> mslug3h57\256h57.p2
mslug3h67\256h67.p1 -> mslug3h58\256h58.p1
mslug3h67\256h67.p2 -> mslug3h58\256h58.p2
mslug3h68\256h68.p2 -> mslug3h59\256h59.p2
mslug3h68\neo-sma_h68 -> mslug3h59\neo-sma_h68
mslug3h70\256h70.p1 -> mslug3ern06\256h61.p1
mslug3h73\256h73.p1 -> mslug3h62\256h62.p1
mslug3h74\256h74.p1 -> mslug3h63\256h63.p1


Set: Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)
Name: mslug3
File: HBMAME-ROMs\HBMAME 0.223 ROMs (merged) - mslug3\mslug3\mslug3h48\256h48.p2

Do you want to add the missing ROM?


Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560) [folder: mslug3 - size: 660mb]
missing rom: mslug3ern07\256ern07.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: ccfafa60] [SHA1: 68f0d188b89ccd0d3c9ae1c9f2508321acbd8871]
missing rom: mslug3ern10\256ern10.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 30a6aa55] [SHA1: 3000d68e6e22ec8b588c7099fac3fb3ee74fbb5d]
missing rom: mslug3ern11\256ern11.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 79c73bb5] [SHA1: f50e69e308c89badd2e12518d0c5437e50a185d2]
missing rom: mslug3h58\256h58.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 15bb1f0d] [SHA1: bf0a6bf38a4addcf9a7a08b04943594666347d6a]
missing rom: mslug3h62\256h62.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 61f2a873] [SHA1: 9e9804ffc94fe3262bb4e8efe1ba7e313d4ab37e]


Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560) [folder: mslug3 - size: 660mb]
missing rom: mslug3h58\256h58.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 15bb1f0d] [SHA1: bf0a6bf38a4addcf9a7a08b04943594666347d6a]
missing rom: mslug3h62\256h62.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 61f2a873] [SHA1: 9e9804ffc94fe3262bb4e8efe1ba7e313d4ab37e]

I think it's the renaming of these 2 ROMs where things go wrong:
mslug3h58\256h58.p2 -> mslug3h48\256h48.p2
mslug3h62\256h62.p1 -> mslug3esrp04\256esp04.p1
I'm not sure why CMP comes to the conclusion that they need to be renamed.


clrmame Discussion / dir2dat and CHDs in 4.036a
« on: 31 December 2019, 09:34 »
Hi Roman,

With the new dir2dat option of 4.036a version creating CHD enties as disks and using their internal SHA1, would it be possible to add an option to dir2dat to treat CHDs as normal file?
With support of rebuilding CHDs using their internal SHA1 not yet being implemented, it's currently still necessary to have file hash based CHDs datfiles.

Wishing you a healthy 2020,

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