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Messages - Keir

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Someone's in danger of getting their posts deleted!

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: whats happens ?
« on: 15 October 2011, 09:07 »
I dont really understand...anyway, super work guys.  Go team!

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: whats happens ?
« on: 15 October 2011, 02:36 »
Does anyone else think that BP might have the hots for Waal?  Admittedly, his if his avatar is anything to go be he's one hell of a catch.

Treat em mean to keep em keen eh BP?  See you all round my house for an orgy in half an hour!

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 10:27 »
If you insist - but I think if you think this kind of rant elevates yourself to the detriment of Xtras, I think you're absolutely wrong:

You have just been sent a personal message by BritneysPAIRS on EMULAB Forum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:

They actively talk on private forums to block me. Smear campaigns. Notify torrents as illegal. Tell people they are buggy. Rate all coinops stuff as 0 stars get everything removed from bins. Claim they did videos when it was me...... and im saying they are losing the battle......even though they have tried it all and nuking stuff today is an example you think it want them:-) I've never used other names never done such things so yes I think they are sore losers and also most don't have skills yet set up such complains.... you can believe they don't do such things and that I do but Im sure you know this to be true.......I know they do it cause im taking there users but im giving them what they want......you can claim otherwise but so far my predictions have been on track....they bulls it about new make cores etc when I've done one but its 10 times slower and why it isn't in....bulls it about mameox...bulls it about light gun support....you name its bulls it....to me.....

Reply to this Personal Message here: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;f=inbox;pmsg=396;quote;u=390

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 10:11 »
You have just been sent a personal message by BritneysPAIRS on EMULAB Forum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:

Ok stay if you want :-)  your posts wont last as nothings changed and its fun doing global deletes.  Have your say it means alot to me

Reply to this Personal Message here: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;f=inbox;pmsg=394;quote;u=390

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