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Messages - bsabiston

Pages: [1]
Just a followup -- using the older romset I found online, everything worked great!  I would advise doing that rather than trying to mess around converting newer roms.  Also, if you are just going to copy a subset of the roms to your iPad, make sure to include neogeo.zip, because it is needed by Metal Slug and some other games.  At first I didn't have that one and it gave me errors.


Thanks.  I understand that but was just wondering what the original poster had to do to get it working.  I don't want to spend a lot of time trying clrmamepro if it isn't going to help.

I actually found an older set of roms online which match the version of mame supported by iMAME4All, so I am going to try that first.


I am in the same boat, as are many people probably now that iCade supports MAME.  Even without the cabinet, it was freaking awesome to sit on my couch and play Frogger using the WiiMote!

I am going to try these instructions -- but @burn1nator, it isn't clear whether they worked for you?  Ultimately did you have to go find completely different, older roms for the games you wanted to play?

I already understand that iMAME4all only plays about 1/3 of the games in the recent MAME set, but it sounds like you had trouble on top of that?  I too want to play Metal Slug, Donkey Kong and all the old classics, etc.  Will this Clrmamepro help with that, or not?


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