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Messages - EarBiteR

Pages: [1]
Yeah I see that now. Mame has a -version option as well as the build info in the -listxml but pinmame doesnt provide build info in the xml :-(

I will browse mame's source and see if I can figure it out.

On CLRMame 4.048d running via wine on linux it shows the version number and sets/roms counts for MAME.  It will show the counts for Pinmame but not the version number.  (see pic) If I run pinmame with no parms it shows the version:

PinMAME v3.6.0.964 [MAME 0.76] (May 15 2024)

Would you know if this is pinmame issue or clrmame?  How does clrmame get this detail?  If its due to pinmame then please let me know and I will enter an issue on github-pinmame.  Thanks.

clrmame Discussion / CLRMame under WINE
« on: 27 January 2024, 16:28 »
Wine broke a while back when running clrmame and it extracting from the mame.exe (listxml). So I resorted to checking by downloading the XML file.  Which works but its easier to check using the .exe  and as of wine 9.1 dev version its working again!  I noticed it listed in the https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/releases/wine-9.1 - https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55467
 :) :) :)

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