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Messages - Devvy

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 05:52 »
Something new from delta chds for a moment. Clrmame is quitting when it's trying to move freestanding *.chd files into a subdirectory structure.
I decided to convert from split to merged storage. I moved my CHDs out of their \roms\blah directories and put the raw *.chd files in the \roms directory.
In the past when I've done this and run a scan, clrmame will find them and move them to their created respective subdirectories.  Instead of doing that now it just quits out of clrmame.

The scan is also not finding the the CHDs in the add-folder.  Rebuild does not move the CHDs over from the add-folder either.  I purged my clrmame setup and re-downloaded and started from scratch just in case it was an errant setting, but same problem.
Was about to post the same thing!

clrmame Discussion / Re: Cmpro "misplaced a romset" !?
« on: 12 August 2022, 06:22 »
Just to let you know, after I did an uninstall and did a fresh install, this problem has gone?
So thanks for the help but obviously was my setup.
Thanks for your great program

clrmame Discussion / Re: Cmpro "misplaced a romset" !?
« on: 11 August 2022, 13:56 »
Will try fresh install from scratch, let's see what happens, thanks.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Cmpro "misplaced a romset" !?
« on: 09 August 2022, 10:30 »
Yes, always import from the MAME binary (MameUI) each time new one released, clearing previous cache.
No don't use softwarelists.
Thanks again for your support.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Cmpro "misplaced a romset" !?
« on: 09 August 2022, 08:23 »
I've checked all the folders I use, which is just one for ROMS and a couple for Add-paths, only 1 zip exists with correct info as you mentioned below. (arb pic)
Cleared my cache and did a reload of mame 0.246 and then a full scan with 2nd picture (scan pic)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Cmpro "misplaced a romset" !?
« on: 03 August 2022, 07:58 »
Move them elsewhere and let the rebuilder readd them with recompression enabled.
So I've had this issue since 4.045 and tried to fix.
same settings ;
My clrmamepro setup:
* Prefer merged sets
* Scan sets/ROMs/samples/CHDs
* Check and fix ALL types (Missing, Case, etc.)
* Separate BIOS sets is checked in (Rebuilder and Scanner)
Delete ARB.ZIP
Run 'New Scan'
'Set ARB V2 Sargon 4.0' 'do you want to add missing ROM'
Recreates ARB.ZIP in ROMS folder
ARB.ZIP to add-paths folder
Run rebuilder, rebuilds ARB.ZIP to ROMs folder
Run scanner, 'misplaced ARB.ZIP' comes up again
'Set ARB V2 Sargon 4.0' 'do you want to add missing ROM'
and repeat .....
what's wrong. how did Paultup fix it. I tried every fix mentioned here.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Merged Sets Scans
« on: 11 January 2022, 10:45 »
Thank you for your support ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Merged Sets Scans
« on: 10 January 2022, 11:01 »
Thanks again, I think I'm having a mental breakdown with the scanner and how it works.
I see your point in selecting anything other than "Merged" is not achieving anything different, except when I click "Miss" or "Have" list, then the list will differ but not "How" I thought it worked.
I've traditionally used these to 'find' missing sets, but I've now realised that I've been using it incorrectly ... for a long time.

I've attached some screenshots just to check I'm not going crazy.
1. settings
2. advance settings
3. systems, I always click "Auto-assign"
4. stats.
5. rebuilder


clrmame Discussion / Re: Merged Sets Scans
« on: 09 January 2022, 07:33 »
1stly, Thank you for the best ROM manager... that I've used forever.
2ndly, thank you for your reply.
I've always had merged sets as the build/rebuild/scan option.
I thought that my merged sets were always complete until I used the 'non-merged' scan.
I've figured that I will just need to manage the clones/bootlegs via the 'non-merged' scan and track the missing with an excel spreadsheet (which I do now anyway), comparing the Mame32 audit window with the miss list.
PS I always use Miss / Have to keep upto date.
Thanks again
Live Long and Prosper

clrmame Discussion / Merged Sets Scans
« on: 08 January 2022, 06:50 »
So after nearly 20 years of mame use, and what I "thought" I was doing right was that I discovered that my so called "Merged" sets are actually missing ROMs.
Only by accident after trying to play Slapfight Bootleg Set1, which is actually part of m1albsq parent set.
So my question is that since I've got "Merged Sets" selected on scanner, did does not find any missed clones/bootlegs when I do a "Miss List".
I then tried selecting "Non-merged" to get a full miss list, and got a huge missing list. If I then run a "Fix all" scan, it starts breaking all the roms up into non-merged sets, and created a mess of a ROM folder.
So back to square 1 and the main reason for my question is ;
How to you scan using "Merged" Sets for ROMs that are actually missing clones/bootlegs? Because "Miss List" is not capturing any of these.
Help please

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