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Messages - Fred92

Pages: [1]
here is how i have done :
before i wan doing a new scann with fix all options.
now this way doesn't work for me and is too long.
So i make a new scan without fixing anything and no deep.
then i make a rebuild
then a fix all.
and like that, it's more quickly done.
consider it's fixed for me (but i think there is something wrong since latest updates.. roms or softmware i don't know because i haven't done like this before for years and there was no issue at all).
Thanks helping.

thank you answering.
here are screenshots of my config
no deep scan at all...
NO VIRUSCANNER (i haven't any one on this PC)
i tryed another new scann and it's stuck on "m1albsq" for minutes...and then m1alley...
my NAS is on ethernet, no network issue at all.

i post here because i have the same issue (tried both with 4.039a and latest build.4.040 64bits)
my check is stuck on maygay too when i launch a new scann
and when i select "stop scanning"  clrmamepro freezes
i uncked all advanded scanner options.
my roms are stored on a Nas.
previously (for months/years) there was no problem... strange behaviour since 2/3 latest mame's roms builds.

any help welcome.
Thanks all


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