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Messages - SysopGrace

Pages: [1]
I'm curious about the naming convention of arcade roms. Specifically the letters at the END of the filenames:

h "H" - the letter H is a common one that I see but I do not understand how it is different or what the letter "H" here stands for? Often accompanies the below #2 ABC files as another "Set"

a b c - these are often applied to roms with multiple "sets" and "alternate boards"
Are there any conventions on which one is the most recent revision?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Shared network folders
« on: 12 November 2017, 17:06 »
1 - I just ran it as admin from the program files directory and gave it a UNC path (it works!!!!)
2 - Copied the program directory out to the root C:\ (which is not protected at all) and ran clrmamepro as a "regular" user and it works great! I can see Z:\ now! - Only problem is I will have to do a full uninstall/reinstall as the program still points back to the program files folder for things such as the backup/download folders (which I don't appear to use...) and it is throwing some error messages as a result. Not a huge deal at all though!

Thank you for your assistance with my issue Roman. What is your favourite charity by the way?

To be clear: while I typically go with the installer's default installation location, since that would require me to run with the UAC/admin and would omit the ability to see my Z:\ drive, I will go against the default and install it to C:\clrmamepro or whatever - this has the added benefit of never needing to run the app as an admin

Last addendum: I have never been in this community before this week but I am a long time user of clrmamepro, I'm not sure if you're the one to speak to about such as thing but perhaps the installer's default install location should be amended...

clrmame Discussion / Re: Shared network folders
« on: 12 November 2017, 16:53 »
hmmm, I never considered that
so I will wipe it off first completely and then run an install to a clrmamepro directory in My Documents and try it from there?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Shared network folders
« on: 12 November 2017, 16:45 »
Well, clrmamepro is in the program files folder. its run as admin (with a prompt each time). it works fine if I copy the roms to the local system.

I may try your way of a UNC path - currently I'm trying to just specify folders in the SETTINGS window, but I have also tried it in the rebuild window and it just does NOT show the Z:\ drive at all

clrmame Discussion / Shared network folders
« on: 11 November 2017, 18:09 »
I have my roms on another system and I have mapped them to the drive letter Z - I can access them through Explorer.exe but clrmamepro does not list/address the mapped network drive.

Is there a way to get my network drive to show up in clrmamepro?

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