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Messages - bpablo71

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / Re: missing roms that are not missing
« on: 14 October 2015, 05:51 »
it works fine now :)
thank you very much!

clrmame Discussion / Re: missing roms that are not missing
« on: 13 October 2015, 13:18 »
Yes 4.025

If i let cmpro fix the files doesn´t happen anything to the files. It´s seems that cmpro is finding more files around with the same name but i checked and there is only one machridr while paranoia is in 3 dir (roms, softlist\kc_cass and softlist\pce) and platoon in 2 dir (roms and softlist\specpl3_flop)

clrmame Discussion / missing roms that are not missing
« on: 13 October 2015, 11:36 »

    i´m update to the last release but it´s a while that i´m getting the message that some roms are missing:

Code: [Select]
Vs. Mach Rider (Endurance Course Version) [folder: machridr - size: 48kb]
missing set: Vs. Mach Rider (Endurance Course Version)
missing rom: mr-1a [size: 8192] [CRC32: e3e3900d] [SHA1: c66807ca372d2e5ac11030fdf3d30e30617d4e72]
missing rom: mr-1b [size: 8192] [CRC32: 5547261f] [SHA1: aedb7ab1ef0cd32f325ec9fc948ca1e21a78aa7a]
missing rom: mr-1c [size: 8192] [CRC32: cb864802] [SHA1: 65f06a8eaca3347432f3f2f673a24692415d869f]
missing rom: mr-1d [size: 8192] [CRC32: 379c44b9] [SHA1: 7b148ba7f7eea64509733f94b4eaafe5bfcf3527]
missing rom: mr-2a [size: 8192] [CRC32: 685899d8] [SHA1: 02b6a9bc21367c481d0091fa8a8f2d1b841244bf]
missing rom: mr-2b [size: 8192] [CRC32: 33a2b41a] [SHA1: 671f37bce742e63250296e62c143f8a82f860b04]
missing rom: rp2c04-0002.pal [size: 192] [CRC32: fd19ae5e] [SHA1: 8ed14347c5a0b1a8a4d6365d6727e0951a00131c]

Paranoia [folder: paranoia - size: 416kb]
missing set: Paranoia
missing rom: 1.319 [size: 32768] [CRC32: ef9f85d8] [SHA1: 951239042b56cd256daf1965ead2949e2bddcd8b]
missing rom: 2.318 [size: 32768] [CRC32: a35fccca] [SHA1: d50e9044a97fe77f31e3198bb6759ba451359069]
missing rom: 3.317 [size: 32768] [CRC32: e3e48ec1] [SHA1: 299820d0e4fb2fd947c7a52f1c49e2e4d0dd050a]
missing rom: 4.352 [size: 32768] [CRC32: 11297fed] [SHA1: 17a294e65ba1c4806307602dee4c7c627ad1fcfd]
missing rom: 5.201 [size: 262144] [CRC32: 9893e0e6] [SHA1: b3097e7f163e4a067cf32f290e59657a8b5e271b]
missing rom: 6.29 [size: 32768] [CRC32: 5517532e] [SHA1: df8f1621abf1f0c65d86d406cd79d97ec233c378]

Vs. Platoon [folder: platoon - size: 256kb]
missing set: Vs. Platoon
missing rom: chrver0.ic6 [size: 131072] [CRC32: 689df57d] [SHA1: 854aaa9feb16e3f239fba6069fbf65e69858fe73]
missing rom: prgver0.ic4 [size: 131072] [CRC32: e2c0a2be] [SHA1: 1f8e33d6da8402be6a376668a424bfde38471021]
missing rom: rp2c04-0001.pal [size: 192] [CRC32: a6293faa] [SHA1: 190a410a3d818e124b2b9d2ef9fb3da003bb5d4c]

During the scan i´m getting that message
Code: [Select]
Set: Vs. Mach Rider (Endurance Course Version)
Name: machridr
File: D:\Paolo\Mamedev\roms\roms\machridr\rp2c04-0002.pal

Do you want to add the missing ROM?

Set: Paranoia
Name: paranoia
File: D:\Paolo\Mamedev\roms\roms\paranoia\5.201

Do you want to add the missing ROM?

Set: Vs. Platoon
Name: platoon
File: D:\Paolo\Mamedev\roms\roms\platoon\rp2c04-0001.pal

Do you want to add the missing ROM?

The 3 roms exist and they are correct in the usual rom path. I have tryed to download again but no lucky. I have softlist too (even if not all). What is it wrong ?

Thank you

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