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Messages - Roman

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you dont need the fixdats as long as you dont want to help out others with files which they are searching.

I dont think that mame will switch to anything else but zlib in the near future. terabyte prices are low and mamedevs dont care about rom collection sizes, so zlib is enough.

The dats you're talking about are most likely fixdats. If someone misses files from a collection he/she usually posts fixdats to the usenet. These fixfiles (can be automatically created by cmpro) only hold the missing files. So someone else picks up this dat, loads it and rebuilds from his (most likely complete) collection the missing ones for the other user.

Regarding zip: Well, standard zip is limited to 4GB. Everything above is not a standard zipfile and is not processed by MAME which uses the zlib library to process zips. You need to store such collections in a not compressed way.

for mame, mess, pinmame you dont need a dat since cmpro takes the info from the binary. but of course there are thousands of other systems out there where no emu exists and their software collections are listed as datfiles. look at the dats of tosec, no-intro and so on. or all the artwork related stuff (screenshots,flyers,etc) provided by progetto mame. actually there are even dats out there which have nothing to do with any emu or system. just hashes of files.

Welcome to the beautiful world of UAC. Windows Vista and Windows7 doesn't allow you to do drag'n drop operations where source and destination does not share the same UAC levels.
You should not install cmpro in an UAC protected folder (like c:\program files) or you need to run it with additional administrator rights.

there are currently no naming limitations for the paths...you only need to specify a rompath for each softwarelist (as you may know from the old sysdefpaths)....autodetect helps you....

to give a short update...while the visual things, parsers and rebuilder/merger are done, I'm currently looking at the scanner....generally the dupe check, the 'wrong sysdefpath' checks needs some update since you can now have equally named sets in various lists....here and there are some game lookup by name which needs a bit of review, too...
Don't expect anything soon since I will be on a business trip soon....

ok...current state:

- parsing multiple software lists inside a dat
- if count(software lists) > 1, add lists as systems, system's autodect and move sets also works fine already
- if an emulator binary (e.g. MAME/MESS) got software lists in -listxml listed, cmpro asks you if you want to import them (all, none, some)...and lets you pick them. Depending on the selection, cmpro runs the binary again with single calls to the picked lists or (if all) it reruns with a -listsoftware call.
- setnames and descriptions only have to be unique within one list
- in set information, show software lists as additional root items and insert the games to the beloning list

- remember picked lists for next exe update
- add variables to pick lists in set information's select sets
- force usage of sysdefpaths (yes, you need to define them there
- think about dat export, profile name in case of multilist (currently it uses the 1st software list name) and how issues are reported (where to put the list name)

- do some scan/rebuild tests ;)

Some pics:

Set Information: http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/images/mess1.jpg
Systems: http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/images/mess2.jpg
Exe Import (just the list picker...selection is not corresponding to upper pics): http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/images/mess3.jpg

I've used a pretty old MESS by the way....

you haven't seen the Merry XMas... post, have you?
Currently I'm doing some improvements on software lists which include:

- support for multiple softwarelists
- direct import (all, none, some) from mess/mame binary
- handling them as systems, so you can (actually have to) split them by rompaths

so I guess with these updates, your two requests most likely become obsolete.....

clrmame Discussion / Re: [bug] version[64].ini check problem
« on: 08 January 2012, 07:56 »
I can only imagine that for some reason the version64.ini file was not found initially or was locked and that somehow confuses the system....well...case closed I guess ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: [bug] version[64].ini check problem
« on: 07 January 2012, 18:32 »
hmm...I tried to reproduce this scenario but it works fine here...

clrmame Discussion / Re: looking for datfile for mame v0.37b7
« on: 27 December 2011, 18:37 »
get the belonging mame binary from mamedev.org and load it in the profiler with Old_mame setting.
however there was one old mame binary at mamedev.org which had a broken -listinfo output. dont remember which one though.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Merry XMas...
« on: 22 December 2011, 21:32 »
ok to be a bit more concrete...

...it's some better software list support with the following features:

- software lists (not only one softwarelist) within a xml datfile are loaded
- when an exe-based dat (MAME, MESS, Haze's ultimate mame) lists software lists, you will be asked if you want to import them (all, some, none)
- software lists are then handled within 1 profile, so 1 scan scans them all
- software lists are added as systems, so you can (and actually have to) assign a system default path for each of them
- double set names / descriptions shouldn't harm

So that's what in the end should form the next version....I just started with parsing them (xml dat) and adding them as systems....so the exe-based dat part is on the todo list...the rest will be some testing for possible issue handling in case of equal set names within various lists...also there is an option question how to name a profile in case of a multi-softwarelist xml....(the single lists got names, the outer softwarelists tag does not)...

well...that's general something for 2012/Q1...no idea when I find time after the holiday season to work on it...but that's on my list for now...

Enjoy the holidays....

clrmame Discussion / Merry XMas...
« on: 21 December 2011, 23:46 »
...and a Happy New Year...

Yes, holiday season is near and I'd like to thank you for all your support....
So while 2011 finally brought utf8/unicode support to cmpro, there are some tasks on my list for 2012...

So....shhh...there is something near for the *messy* users out there....

...and if you wonder why Aladdin is listed so often...well.....shhhhh...come back in 2012 ;)
(...and the final look&feel might differ...currently it's more playing around a bit...)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Newb without a clue!
« on: 19 December 2011, 09:48 »
see other post for my reply

clrmame Discussion / Re: Newb without a clue!
« on: 19 December 2011, 09:48 »
I don't know where you find a datfile for Mame4Android. You need to use google.
The profiler is one of the main screens of cmpro. Actually it automatically opens if you enter cmpro.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Special character ("Umlaute") issue
« on: 14 December 2011, 08:15 »
I'm pretty sure the datfile is not utf8 encoded.....

clrmame Discussion / deleted post about umlaute
« on: 12 December 2011, 06:31 »
Quote from: indigital

I wonder what I have done or what has happened to cause this?


I have no idea how this happened. I did not remove your post or account. I only answered you need a datfile in utf8 encoded datfile.  try posting again. sorry for this

clrmame Discussion / Re: Newb without a clue!
« on: 11 December 2011, 08:29 »
you need to load the datfile in the profiler. so double click it there (or select it and click on load). then you setup rompaths in settings and then you go to the scanner and scan.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Special character ("Umlaute") issue
« on: 10 December 2011, 22:15 »
you need to use a datfile which is utf8 encoded. you can try to load it into notepad++ and save it as utf8 encoded (with or without Utf8 bom). be sure the special chars appear in notepad++ correcly.

Not a bug....with the double identical checksum you simply run into a not so perfect result of the fuzzy name check (which is used to determine the correct setname) and the threshold for a clean match is not reached....and so it's not marked as wrongly named and it is marked as unneeded.

I may tweak the threshhold parameters a bit for next release though.

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