« on: 03 April 2019, 21:35 »
Hello Roman, I'm on the latest nigthly build and when I try to check my MAME 208 I miss all the orionpro_flop romsets, I enabled system lists and set it correctly for all the sets I have. This is an example:
BASCOM [softwarelist: orionpro_flop - folder: bascom - size: 800kb]
missing set: BASCOM
missing rom: soft__bascom_pushkov__bascom.odi [size: 819200] [CRC32: 94a6de7e] [SHA1: 34cbb8ce720d3aff35ff021d74514b25263869e0]
This is for all sets of that system list, but I got all merged sets in 7z format and I have bascom.7z with the correct rom inside.
What's wrong with my settings?