ok maybe you need a bit more info
ofc i´m using the last version of clrmame.
mine it´s a split sets and i have the roms sort in different dirs like that:
- roms - wargods.zip
- roms_hd - wargods - wargods_10-09-1996.chd
- wargodsa - wargods_08-15-1996.chd
i´m missing wargodsb chd.
with clrmame i have set "Ask before fixing" and and all the check options but none of the fix.
i do a scan and at the end it says that i missed only wargodsb . No change in the dir.
now i set the "uneeded fix" option and i do a scan again. at the end it says again that i missed the chd but something move in the dire like so:
- roms - wargods.zip
- wargods - wargods_10-09-1996.chd
- roms_hd - wargodsa - wargods_08-15-1996.chd
i move back the wargods´s chd to the roms_hd dir and disable the "uneeded fix" and i do the scan again. clrmame do the same and move the chd like before.
A bit strange