clrmamepro [English] => clrmame Discussion => Topic started by: Nux on 04 June 2020, 04:17
Every time that i close the settings menu, the aplication closes and dont save my folders path. Same happens when closing the scan menu.
Im using win10, i tryed execute as admim but didnt work.
Also didnt show the no-intro header XMLs
Never had or heard of this problem in the last 23 years...sorry....and the majority of the users use Windows 10. There is no need to execute it as admin, simply store cmpro in a non-uac controlled path.
Please try a clean install.
What you can try is to edit cmpro.ini and change
Adv_HideWindow = off
i tried make the .ini, but didnt work. when i close the settings window the program stop responding and closes itself. Cold you provide a place for me download a older version, maybe works for me
Try a clean install to a non uac-protected folder (e.g. C:\cmpro and not c:\programs...)
Try to install it on a different drive, different machine...ensure you're up to date with windows10 updates..Turn off or change your virusscanner, ensure there are no other programs running, etc..etc.. that's purely trial and error...
Sorry but you're really the only one in over 20 years who reported such a behaviour and it's not repeatable anywhere yet. There is no older version.
i tried make the .ini, but didnt work. when i close the settings window the program stop responding and closes itself. Cold you provide a place for me download a older version, maybe works for me
You've got some sort of antivirus of Windows Defender that blocks it?
Also, as Roman (https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=62) suggested, you can try downloading the ZIP package, extract it for example into desktop and try starting (try both 32bit version and also 64bit). Are your downloads corrupted maybe??
@ Roman (https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=62): will you add to the "Download" section some digests to check / control integrity for both ZIP packages and also EXE files (MD5 or SHA1)?
i tried what both of you sad, i will yet try in other machine. thanks anyways. :)
Create a profile first and load it.
Never thought that someone goes into Setting without loading a profile first......... ;-)
Actually this wasn't possible before 4.037 but with the change "misc: allow profiles without any sets" the check seems to get lost.
Fixed in https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmpro20200608.rar