clrmamepro [English] => clrmame Discussion => Topic started by: rostomzer on 14 December 2019, 10:48
I came from v0.209 and uograded to v0.216 (includes all update packs)
Now in the scanner i have 0 (zero) missing roms and about 236 missing sets.
I use a split set rom.
What should i do ?
Find the missing sets...they should be listed in detail in the scan tree window
I have made a txt file that contains the missing sets but, when i check the lissing sets in my file some of them does not exist at all in the full set available on internet,
Here is the list that i miss on my set
well, looks like you're missing a lot of chd files then....
Okay, but if i try to check the full set on internet for example the first one which is "2spicy" it does not exist on the full set on internet!!!
Then your internet is wrong.
2spicy is a set belonging to the lindbergh system and consists of a 2 chd files (where actually one of it is flagged as nodump).
So...let's sum it up: You miss a lot of chd files which represent several sets. Go find them. All sets in MAME are available "in the internet".
Now i have a full set of mame v0.216 named "mame roms v0.216 split"
Can you please adress me to a good tutorial to use clrmamepro to check my set?
The tutorials, in various languages, you can easily find them here: https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/#docs
I have already checked that website i found it more ui description than a tutorial
1) Profiler, load a profile or create one based on the mame binary
2) Settings, setup rom (and samplepaths)
3) Scanner, hit scan
4) look at the scanresults tree output...if you're happy stop, if not, find missing stuff and repeat with 3)
That's it. If you want that things get automatically fixed, enable the fixoptions in 3)
okay i have fixed everything now i'm still missing only one set "loveber3cn"