clrmamepro [English] => clrmame Discussion => Topic started by: GDT on 03 April 2019, 21:35
Hello Roman, I'm on the latest nigthly build and when I try to check my MAME 208 I miss all the orionpro_flop romsets, I enabled system lists and set it correctly for all the sets I have. This is an example:
BASCOM [softwarelist: orionpro_flop - folder: bascom - size: 800kb]
missing set: BASCOM
missing rom: soft__bascom_pushkov__bascom.odi [size: 819200] [CRC32: 94a6de7e] [SHA1: 34cbb8ce720d3aff35ff021d74514b25263869e0]
This is for all sets of that system list, but I got all merged sets in 7z format and I have bascom.7z with the correct rom inside.
What's wrong with my settings?
Could be anything ;-)
From a bad (or misstructured or not supported) 7z version, to simply bad data in the nightly build of MAME (which happens rather often).
So maybe the SHA1 is correct but not the CRC32 or the size etc....You might want to compare such values against the -listxml output of the MAME binary.
You can also send me the nightly MAME binary (or a -listxml output) and the 7z file in question.
I rebuilded the set from scratch with clrmame rebuild (merged). It's very strange.
When I spoke about nightly build I'm referring to clrmame pro nightly, dated 02/02/2019, MAME build is the official .208 x64 version.
Ah sorry...I thought you were talking about a nightly MAME version ;-)
I will have a look...you're using standalone profiles for software lists of the all-in-one mode where you imported the information from the MAME binary, so you got MAME sets plus software lists plus the complex setup with sysdefpaths?
I use the complex setup with sysdefpaths, lists are imported straight from MAME binary.
hmm.....I can't repeat this problem here.
Please double check your setup paths. Ensure that your rompath for orionpro_flop sets really contains the sets (e.g. bascom.7z) and it's correctly assigned to the sysdefault path belonging to the software list orionpro_flop (and not e.g. orion_flop).
I checked with a MAME + single software list import of orionpro_flop but no other lists....do you include more (if not all)?
However, if it does not see a single one of orionpro_flop sets it seems to be more a setup path problem rather than a problem in cmpro....
I found it, syspath is setted well but I found that rompath for that softwarelist was disabled and I really don't know why: I enabled it and scan works flawlessy now.
Thank you.