clrmamepro [English] => clrmame Discussion => Topic started by: llagos on 17 February 2010, 23:15
I'm running latest clrmamepro. Just did a "New Scan" looking missing SETs only. I've got a lot which are incorrect. I do have the roms, I can load them in mame32ui, for instance, but for some reason clrmamepro reports them as MISSING.
I'm using systems paths, and I have ALL paths correctly defined.
What could be wrong?
For instance, clrmamepro tells me SoulClb2 is missing. I've checked the syspath for sys246 and it's ok, but still...
Thanks a lot,
..and of course you got
a) all your sysdefpaths added as rompaths in the settings window
b) SoulClb2 is stored correctly (either <your rompath>\soulclb2\rom 1.. rom n for decompressed sets or your rompath>\soulclb2.zip (.rar/.7z) for compressed sets
Without having more information about your settings I can't tell you what's wrong. If a) is not your issue, send me screenshots and cmpro.ini and the belonging .cmp file for your used profile in cmpro's settings folder
Ok... my fault... Rompaths versus sysdefpaths... Now, this is quite confusing, and something I always want to ask about...
I can add \path1\folder1\ in Settings\Rompaths, but when adding system paths, I think, I should be able to JUST select from that list, and no like the current behavior which allows to select any other folder in the disk. I mean, when selecting system paths, they should be selected ONLY from the list I already have in Rompaths...
Currently, I can choose any folder from the disk, not neccessarly from the list of valid rompaths I already have.
Why this? Is it possible to change that?
Because systemdefaultpaths not necessarily have to be rompaths. For scanning yes, for rebuildering or merging not necessarily.
Ups... I'm more lost than I thought.... I though sysdefpaths were also rompaths... aren't they paths where roms are? Just they are separated (one folder per system?)
generally, sysdefpaths are folders.
if you scan and want to use sysdefpaths, your sysdefpaths have to be setup as rompaths, too.
if you want to rebuild sets in sysdefpaths, your sysdefpaths don't need to be setup as rompaths (depending on your rebuilding idea...for example if you want to split your sourcesets into folders-by-system sets...)
Ok. got that... thanks...
now, one more question... let's say I have my roms in sysdefpaths as:
and so on...
Could I use as rompath just 1 folder, the parent one?
In this case, would the Scan be recursive? (scan all folder below the rompath)?
Don't put rompaths in rompaths for scanning
Thanks a lot!
May I ask then for one new feature for cmp? Currently, I have to add each folder twice (one as sysdefpath, then a second one as rompath). Could it be possible to simplify this process, and have somewhere a check box saying "Same sysdefpath as rompath" or something like that, so I only have to add each folder ONCE?
p.s.: still trying to figure out why/when would someone would like to have rompaths different than sysdefpaths, but...
Best regards,
you can use auto-detect rompaths in the systems dialog. It will scan your rompaths and picks the best fitting one for each sysdefpath.
...of course you need romsets in there to get something useful ;)