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Messages - NLS

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clrmame Discussion / FEATURE REQUEST - Backup folder follow tree
« on: 26 November 2013, 15:41 »
Ok here is the case I have bumped into and such a feature would immensely help.

I have an old MAME folder (that has suffered the torture of alternative MAME builds and updates for many years).
I have my roms and CHD clean, but I also want to clean up my "extras" (as called by PleasureDome) folders.
This is rather simple by using datafiles etc.

The problem is that using CMP I want to "extract" all the "extras" I want, put them in a clean folder, BUT KEEP whatever doesn't belong to the clean extras AS IS including their folder structure (to manually check what are those things).

AFAIK CMP will "rebuild" my "extras" folders one by one, which has the following problems:
- I will need to run the dats to rebuild specific folders in MAME folder (whereas for example some artwork by another source might have ended in some other folder).
- Whatever doesn't belong to the folder will be thrown "unstructured" in CMP backup.

Example (also used below):
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png (why it is there? I don't know, because I wasn't sure it is the correct snapshot? whatever)
* Case A: I build "snaps" from datfile, point source to be "MAME" (which has folder "snaps" in it) and destination (a new clean) folder "snaps".
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png is found as needed and moves to new "snaps" folder.
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png gets thrown to backup folder root directly.
* Case B: I build "snaps" from datfile, point source to be "snaps" (in original MAME folder) and destination (a new clean) folder "snaps".
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png is not found at all.
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png gets thrown to backup folder root directly.

Now I am looking for two features actually (one is better than the other, having both would be fantastic as might be needed for specific cases).

1) Be able to have backup also create original folder structure. Which is my original idea and solves much, but still not perfect.
Following the example above but with this implemented:
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png
* Case A: I build "snaps" from datfile, point source to be "MAME" (which has folder "snaps" in it) and destination (a new clean) folder "snaps".
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png is found as needed and moves to new "snaps" folder.
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png gets thrown to backup folder like so "backup\MAME\snaps".
* Case B: I build "snaps" from datfile, point source to be "snaps" (in original MAME folder) and destination (a new clean) folder "snaps".
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png is not found at all.
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png gets thrown to backup folder like so "backup\snaps".

Of course I prefer case A, but just point B also for clarity.
...in the end in my backup folder will end up whatever doesn't fit, BUT AS WAS BEFORE complete tree.

Now to improve on this we go to...

2) Be able to follow original tree structure BOTH in backup folder AND rebuild destination!
See how the example above gets better...
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png
* Case A: I build "snaps" from datfile, point source to be "MAME" (which has folder "snaps" in it) and destination (a new clean) folder "MAME" (set as "root" not as final destination).
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png is found as needed and moves to new "MAME" folder and a newly created (by CMP) "snaps" folder.
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png gets thrown to backup folder like so "backup\MAME\snaps".
* Case B: I build "snaps" from datfile, point source to be "snaps" (in original MAME folder) and destination (a new clean) folder "snaps" (set as final destination, not root).
* MAME\misc-snaps\useful-snap.png is not found at all.
* MAME\snaps\useless-snap.png gets thrown to backup folder like so "backup\snaps".

So in case A and with #2 implemented, we can pass the whole set of datfiles on the root MAME folder and in the very end, reach a point where destination has a full clean MAME structure AND backup folder has a full folder structure of whatever was removed from original tree.

Now if user has selected to "delete from source", the old MAME folder will remain empty after the rebuilds (useful things in new tree, potentially useless things in backup tree - note "tree" not "folder") and just delete it and move new clean tree in place. Then manually (or whatever) check whatever is in backup tree structure (like the MAME executables -as they are not in any datfile) for usefulness.

Maybe the above seems useless or even stupid to some, but potentially messed up MAME (or other) tree structures get "purified" en masse after passing through it all relevant datfiles (would also be fantastic to actually be able to queue datafile scanning or rebuilding and relevant settings for each... but that is for version 5 maybe :D).

Thank you for reading.

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