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Messages - bkendig

Pages: [1]
Thank you, I appreciate it!

I understand there's some way that clrmamepro can use the mameinfo.dat to handle the artwork files? But I can't find details on that.

I use clrmamepro to manage a few hundred non-merged MAME romsets and their associated samples.

I've obtained a large number of screenshot and marquee image files, all correctly named to match the romset. I want to keep only the ones for which I have the corresponding romset (or parent) and purge the rest. Will clrmamepro do this for me, and if so, how?

Aha, thank you, I hadn't enabled all systems - I had clicked the "Available" button so that clrmamepro would only check the games that I had zipfiles for. (Because I don't want it complaining about games that I don't have zipfiles for.)

Is there anywhere in clrmamepro that it should tell me that a given game isn't playable unless I have its roms *and* a different set of roms for a device that it needs?

Also, I notice that in clrmamepro's "Set Information", it doesn't show that galaga needs 51xx.bin or 53xx.bin, even though Mame needs them.

I'm running clrmamepro 4.028. I have a set of about 400 roms, non-merged. clrmamepro says they're all good, no missing files, no problems.

But there are several that I can't run in mame64 0.172 because of missing files. Galaga and Digdug, for example:

C:\Program Files\Mame>mame64 digdug
51xx.bin NOT FOUND (tried in digdug namco51)
53xx.bin NOT FOUND (tried in digdug namco53)
Fatal error: Required files are missing, the machine cannot be run.

I obtained namco51.zip and namco53.zip and gave them to clrmamepro's rebuilder, but it skips them. In clrmamepro, I don't see any BIOS entries for Namco.

How do I get clrmamepro to notice that files are missing, and to start managing them?

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