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Topics - Roman

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News & Communication / clrmamepro 4.010 released
« on: 14 February 2013, 22:31 »

fixed: 7z working with filenames starting with an "@" fails if the filename also contains a space
fixed: header support: possible infinite loop when file is too short
fixed: header support: wrong hash calculation (in file and memfile) when file is too short
fixed: detection of prefered archive type falsely failed for unpacked sets causing creation of zips
misc: unneeded check also detects obsolete chd folders
misc: explicity test folder for no entries to avoid possible deletion of NTFS junctions
misc: check if file really exist in 7z/rar archives before trying to remove them. Gives a small speed gain

clrmame Discussion / clrmamepro 4.010 released
« on: 14 February 2013, 20:22 »

fixed: 7z working with filenames starting with an "@" fails if the filename also contains a space
fixed: header support: possible infinite loop when file is too short
fixed: header support: wrong hash calculation (in file and memfile) when file is too short
fixed: detection of prefered archive type falsely failed for unpacked sets causing creation of zips
misc: unneeded check also detects obsolete chd folders
misc: explicity test folder for no entries to avoid possible deletion of NTFS junctions
misc: check if file really exist in 7z/rar archives before trying to remove them. Gives a small speed gain

News & Communication / cmpro 4.09a released
« on: 10 December 2012, 20:27 »

misc:  take over a set bad dump chd status flag for all parent/clone instances of that chd

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.09a released
« on: 10 December 2012, 20:25 »

misc:  take over a set bad dump chd status flag for all parent/clone instances of that chd

News & Communication / cmpro 4.09 released
« on: 05 December 2012, 12:44 »

fixed: rename profiles (which are based on a xml dat) corrupts xml structure
fixed: fix missing doesn't look into parent set in rompaths in full merge mode it might oversee missing but fixable roms
misc:  changed size of compressor settings window

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.09 released
« on: 04 December 2012, 19:19 »

fixed: rename profiles (which are based on a xml dat) corrupts xml structure
fixed: fix missing doesn't look into parent set in rompaths in full merge mode it might oversee missing but fixable roms
misc:  changed size of compressor settings window

clrmame Discussion / Christian L.
« on: 26 November 2012, 10:20 »

since I don't have your email handy, thanks a lot for your little present! Highly appreciated.


News & Communication / cmpro 4.08b released
« on: 24 October 2012, 21:26 »

added: parsing of driver status flag (good|imperfect|preliminary), %D can be used for set selection
misc:  some minor optimization for fix missing if one and the same checksum reappears in the same set
fixed: 7z utf8 name reading was broken since switch to sdk 9.22 in 4.08 (used local code page instead)
fixed: wrong "wrong placed" / "unneeded" prompt when there are softwarelist/non-softwarelist chd clashes
fixed: wrong prompt for possible rompath addition for disabled sysdefpaths standard/device/mechanical

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.08b released
« on: 24 October 2012, 21:06 »

added: parsing of driver status flag (good|imperfect|preliminary), %D can be used for set selection
misc:  some minor optimization for fix missing if one and the same checksum reappears in the same set
fixed: 7z utf8 name reading was broken since switch to sdk 9.22 in 4.08 (used local code page instead)
fixed: wrong "wrong placed" / "unneeded" prompt when there are softwarelist/non-softwarelist chd clashes
fixed: wrong prompt for possible rompath addition for disabled sysdefpaths standard/device/mechanical

News & Communication / cmpro 4.08a released
« on: 30 September 2012, 08:44 »

misc:  test if 7z/rar rename operation is available, otherwise it will be disabled automatically. You need to enabled it manually (if supported by 7z)...I may change that to auto-enable in the future.
fixed: rare obsolete missing but fixable chd message for sets without roms
fixed: workaround for 7z.exe no-file-in-archive corruption (e.g. after removing all files from it you were not able to add new files to it)

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.08a released
« on: 29 September 2012, 20:16 »

misc:  test if 7z/rar rename operation is available, otherwise it will be disabled automatically. You need to enabled it manually (if supported by 7z)...I may change that to auto-enable in the future.
fixed: rare obsolete missing but fixable chd message for sets without roms
fixed: workaround for 7z.exe no-file-in-archive corruption (e.g. after removing all files from it you were not able to add new files to it)

News & Communication / cmpro 4.08 released
« on: 21 September 2012, 20:30 »

added: batcher rebuilder and scanner merge mode overwrites
added: supporting rar and 7z binaries rename operation. However your packer version needs to support it. For 7z, the latest alpha does. If your version does not, you can uncheck the option in settings compressor 7z and/or rar.
misc:  updated to 7z sdk 9.22 for reading and unpacking 7z archives (e.g. supports LZMA2)
fixed: wrong unneeded files message in samples folder if you're using software lists
fixed: rare obsolete missing but fixable chd message based on rompath ordering
fixed: decompressed samples in non wav format causes wrong prompts

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.08 released
« on: 21 September 2012, 20:18 »

added: batcher rebuilder and scanner merge mode overwrites
added: supporting rar and 7z binaries rename operation. However your packer version needs to support it. For 7z, the latest alpha does. If your version does not, you can uncheck the option in settings compressor 7z and/or rar.
misc:  updated to 7z sdk 9.22 for reading and unpacking 7z archives (e.g. supports LZMA2)
fixed: wrong unneeded files message in samples folder if you're using software lists
fixed: rare obsolete missing but fixable chd message based on rompath ordering
fixed: decompressed samples in non wav format causes wrong prompts

clrmame Discussion / Proud Daddy
« on: 14 September 2012, 17:35 »
Bennet's little brother Finn was born today, September 14th, 10:26am. Mother and child are all ok.
Simone, Bennet, I love you so much making me a proud Daddy again and showing me what life is all about

clrmame Discussion / some updated build
« on: 04 September 2012, 20:48 »
Well, some user told me that new alpha builds of 7z use lzma2 as default compression and cmpro is not able to handle them....so I had a quick look at the latest available 7z SDK, compiled cmpro with it and I'd say one 7z problem less....grab it here....


clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.07a released
« on: 21 August 2012, 20:46 »

fixed: wrong sysdefpath prompt reappears even if you press yes-to-all
fixed: wrong sysdefpath is listed in scan results tree even if it was fixed

clrmame Discussion / Pixar :)
« on: 11 August 2012, 13:13 »
"Any users out there who want to paypal EUR 10 so my Daddy can buy me Pixar BluRay Steelbook Special Limited Editions which are EUR 9.97 each at Amazon (DE) at the moment?"

ok...cheap trick...my son can't write yet .... but erm...I will watch them with my son while waiting for our 2nd baby.....so don't expect a lot cmpro work in late August/start September...but who knows...maybe the nights get long and I find time to do some coding...

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.07 released
« on: 09 August 2012, 20:52 »

added: chdman settings option to ignore warning for BADDUMP chds
added: rebuilder advanced option to list matched chds (so that's a first step towards chds rebuilding)
misc:  dummy clones/fake clone (100% identical sets) detection now takes chds into account
misc:  show prompt for fixing wrong sysdefpath issues
misc:  ignoring chds in matchgame function for some speedup here and there
misc:  updated rar dll
fixed: crash when using setinformation->show enabled
fixed: create rompaths for sysdefpaths can rarely create an empty path which will then be "current path"
fixed: wrong sysdefpath issue output was sometimes missing when chds and roms didn't share the same path
fixed: sysdefpath auto-rompath creation didn't ask for standard/mechanical/devices

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.06 released
« on: 14 June 2012, 20:15 »

misc: reset profile to not scanned in case scan was skipped
misc: changed the error message for .7z files which aren't 7z archives
misc: made the three settings/compressor/general options list archive files with comments, +rsh, double names global options. You need to reset them if you used them before
misc: download failure messages are shown in the warnings window instead of a prompt
misc: show file and rom names in progress dialog for rom uneeded check/rom if set is not compressed
misc: general speed up for fix-missing decompressed files

added: CMPro_TempFolder and CMPro_TempFolder_Clean settings to cmpro.ini to let you select the cmpro folder and optionally clean it on startup. Default value is the cmpro temp folder and data gets initially removed. You need to start/quit cmpro once to see this setting
added: logging warnings window entries to cmpro.log (cleared on startup)
added: set information boxes to include devices and/or bios automatically

fixed: chdman verify check fails for rompaths with spaces
fixed: newly created exe profiles can falsely takeover system default settings from loaded profile
fixed: chdversion check for merged sets can hide the result
fixed: xml parser failure when hitting an ending and starting xml comment in one line
fixed: falsely show full set as missing in case of removing unneeded files from decompressed sets

clrmame Discussion / Some in between build.....
« on: 03 May 2012, 20:15 »
since I'm in the middle of something....and too busy to do a full release at the moment....so here's something to play with:


misc: reset profile to not scanned in case scan was skipped
misc: changed the error message for .7z files which aren't 7z archives
misc: added CMPro_TempFolder and CMPro_TempFolder_Clean settings to cmpro.ini to let
      you select the cmpro folder and optionally clean it on startup. Default value is
      the cmpro temp folder and data gets initially removed. You need to start/quit cmpro
      once to see this setting
misc: warnings window entries are logged to cmpro.log (cleared on startup)
fixed: chdversion check for merged sets can hide the result
fixed: xml parser failure when hitting an ending and starting xml comment in one line

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