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Messages - wired-child

Pages: [1]
CoinOPS Discussion / Re: whats happens ?
« on: 16 October 2011, 03:40 »
you know my old granda was some turn when he was drunk he would always pull you aside
for some worldly advice

heres one he told me long ago
when guys are fighting best not get involved try and sneak off with one of their birds instead :) :)
bird=women for those that dont know

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: whats happens ?
« on: 16 October 2011, 02:53 »
yeh i was puzzled by that as well
the only person as far as i know thats asked for an apology is simone

the violinst of hamelin is a good add its a crakin game
mind and try it all you snes fans

Someone's in danger of getting their posts deleted!
say whatever you feel like no mods here plus its all gettin nuked soon anyway

i always hope for new games in coinops or FBL or Xraine any new arcade game is a bonus
but dont think that means im selling my soul

anyway i wont be following anyone im headin back over to 1emu to keep my beady eye on
the greatness that is the xbox emulation scene

Well said Simone!!
simone is laying down the law as is his right
its up to all of us to stay within the rules of this forum
rules that i cant seem to find anywhere on here :)

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Older Releases
« on: 15 October 2011, 12:55 »
PM sent

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: CoinOPS 3
« on: 14 October 2011, 22:06 »
ok lets get C3 compiled and done...

Im off to bed now, ill try and get on msn tomorrow....

BP do I need it on my PC or will a netbook do?

Smuppy are you in ? You put LOADS into this projecy so far and it would be a shame to walk away now...

Wired-child what do you remeber from your thread? are you in?
i tried to get the google cache of the thread but its a no go i cant mind all the games will have a
quick scan of my mame set then start a new thread

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: whats happens ?
« on: 14 October 2011, 19:57 »
good thinking smuppy  :) heres hoping the posts can be brought back

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: whats happens ?
« on: 14 October 2011, 13:19 »
i guess alot of bad feelings still exist from stuff that went down a while back
i think it got so nasty that people just cant move on and forget about it

i suggest its time to call a truce have a sit down so to speak iron out
some differences come to commen agreement and stick to that agreement
draw a line in the sand and start afresh

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: CoinOPS 3
« on: 14 October 2011, 13:07 »
this game might be a worth an  add for coinops 3 it looks pretty good
rabbit (japan) 1997 electronic arts/aorn
set name rabbit
driver source rabbit.c
added 0.77u2 playable 0.84u5

yeh i know people wont be in the mood for game add requests
but out of the ashes new life springs forth
lets all start afresh get back to what its all about
a simple love of playin games

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 03:02 »
well im pretty new to the emulation scene so maybe someone thats been here longer
can explain why did the whole forum section have to be deleted?????

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 02:20 »
So that's it?  Coinops Discussions have packed up shop and moved on to another location?
i dont know buddy maybe BP will packup coinops full stop

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 02:02 »
i refer you to above post im not so interested now fuck it im off to play gears of war 3

CoinOPS Discussion / Re: Did I miss something?
« on: 14 October 2011, 01:42 »
yeh there was a xtras invasion
i spent a month filling up the missing games thread fucking typed out around 70 off them
now all gone fuck fuck fuckin hell

General / Re: Help with rom file configurations and CoinOPS
« on: 09 October 2011, 17:59 »
to be honest i dont see any problem with how coinops is released
if you dont want the full 20gb or so set then do what i do wait for the standalone update

General / Re: Help with rom file configurations and CoinOPS
« on: 07 October 2011, 19:09 »
coinops uses roms from mame 0.84 so many roms from your pc mame set will have been
updated since then and wont work in coinops you could sort them using clrmamepro dats
but that could take a while

idd suggest save yourself the hastle download coinops 2 full set then update to standalone r9

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