clrmamepro [English] => clrmame Discussion => Topic started by: pucci on 26 January 2013, 13:46

Title: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 26 January 2013, 13:46
i have an empty chd folder in my mame set.
clrmame pro (with unneeded option checked) don't show folder as unneeded.

the chd folder name is: pnchmn
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 26 January 2013, 18:53
Why should it? Correctly named folders (named after the set) are either used as storage place for decompressed sets or containers for the chd files of that set....If you got the chd check option enabled, you will get an error message about the missing chd.
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 26 January 2013, 19:18
i can't understand your answer.
if i have a directory "pacman" in my CHD folder, for ClrMAME Pro is ok?
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 26 January 2013, 20:32
No it's not ok. You mix up things.

1st of all, there is no "chd folder"....you can theoretically have a rompath with only chds in it...fine...but that's still a rom folder.
2nd of all, you can store sets archived (.7z/.zip/.rar) or decompressed. In the latter case you need to store them in a rompath subfolder named after the set, so "pacman" is a fully valid rompath subfolder name since "pacman" is a set in MAME. If you got both, pacman.zip (.rar/.7z) and a subfolder "pacman", cmpro will tell you that one is obsolete unless the set also uses chds (which are also stored in a rompath subfolder named after the set). This is not the case for "pacman". So if you only got a "pacman" subfolder, cmpro won't warn you because it's a valid set placement. If it's empty, cmpro will warn you about the missing pacman roms of course. If you got both, archive and folder, cmpro warns you as mentioned before.

Back to your first example... said "pnchmn" is not marked as unneeded...and again, correct.
"pnchmn" uses chds, and so this folder is a valid placement for the chd. Of course cmpro will still warn you about the missing chd itself.

...and finally there are chd-only sets which consists only of a chd....so an empty folder for this set is still marked as "unneeded"....there is no reason for it...it is and stays a container for a valid setname/chd placement.
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 27 January 2013, 10:28
ok, now it's clear!

but my problem is:

- i have an empty folder "pnchmn" in my roms path
- the set "pnchmn" is a set with CHD so is correct to have a folder named "pnchmn" in my roms path
- the folder is empty, so maybe i miss the "pnchmn" chd
- ClrMAME Pro reports 0 miss after a complete scan
- if i have 0 miss there's no need for a "pnchmn" chd, and so the "pnchmn" folder is useless

or maybe "pnchmn" chd is a NO GOOD DUMP KNOW chd?
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 27 January 2013, 12:59
actually, I got the empty folder too...guess pnchmn is some other weird case (could be a fake-clone...i.e. fully identical set)...I will check this as soon as I find some time
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 27 January 2013, 13:24
ok! thanks!
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 27 January 2013, 19:22
well...ok....guess the set had some changes in the past where parent/clone relationsships could have changed....the chd in question belongs to the parent "fghtmn" now...so cmpro moved it most likely to its new correct place. There is no strict rule to mark this folder as obsolete...so it stays (and as described before, it's accepted as a container for the chd...which is identical to the parent and should be stored there in case of full/split merge).......I will take a note...maybe I change the behaviour in the future.
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: oxyandy on 28 January 2013, 01:41
When I update, I get my ROMs in order first..
Then because I use different folders for ROMs & CHDs,
I move all the *.chd files to the root, CHD folder, and delete all subfolders...

I then untick the path to ROMs, in CMPs settings, then click Scan, (not New Scan)..
In under 30 seconds, CMP places all the *.chd files into their proper subfolders..

(If I do not untick my path to ROMs, then CMP will move 'some', not all, of the *.chds files to subfolders in the ROM Root, so unticking the ROM Path is my work around for this)
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 28 January 2013, 08:19
well, I guess I can add a check for these empty chd folders to the "wrong merged" test...
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 28 January 2013, 22:14
here we go...

http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130128_3.rar (http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130128_3.rar)
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 10 February 2013, 10:44
here we go...

http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130128_3.rar (http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130128_3.rar)

it doesn't work :(
clrmame pro (with unneeded option checked) don't show folder as unneeded.
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 11 February 2013, 11:35
you got sets roms chds and all checkoptions enabled?
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 11 February 2013, 18:20
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 11 February 2013, 18:53
send me your cmpro.ini and the belonging .cmp file from cmpros settingsfolder. here it shows them (I had 3) fine.
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 11 February 2013, 19:53
here are the files required
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 14 February 2013, 09:47
well....at least I know now why it doesn't work for you...you keep chds separated from roms...
working on a fix....
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: Roman on 14 February 2013, 10:26
http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130214.rar (http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20130214.rar)

that should do it now.....
Title: Re: unneeded option don't catch empty chd folder
Post by: pucci on 14 February 2013, 20:19
ok! now it works! problem solved!