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Topics - s_bastian

Pages: [1]
Board di Servizio / link a mame 0.136u3
« on: 22 February 2010, 19:32 »
nella pagina dei download, il link all'eseguibile della u3 punta ancora alla u2

GUIDE e UTILITY / Guida a MAME per completi neofiti
« on: 11 August 2009, 06:48 »
Ho finalmente trovato il tempo per completare la guida all'uso di MAME per coloro che masticano poco PC, ancora meno emulazione, ma vorrebbero riuscire comunque a giocare con MAME!


Consigli e critiche per migliorarla sono comunque bene accetti!

Il regno dell' OFF TOPIC / videogiochi curativi??????
« on: 12 January 2009, 11:15 »
Alla faccia di quelli che ci hanno distrutto l'infanzia dicendo che "i videogiochi ci rovinavano la vita"...

Volete dimenticare un trauma? Giocate a Tetris

clrmame Discussion / [developement idea] - multiple dat support
« on: 16 September 2010, 16:16 »
We often see in forums people speaking about the use of different versions of MAME to play. EG: standard 0.139 for normal use, wolfmame 0.106 for recording inp. I imagine that those persons are now keeping two complete separate sets, and have set different paths to do it. Wouldn’t it be useful to have cmpro handle more than one dat simultaneously, as “separate” or “fully merged”?

A developing idea might be
- Set one set as MAIN (eg 139.dat) and one as ALTERNATE (eg 0.106)
- Set the option to MERGE the two sets or to keep them separated, and set the relative folder/s
- Rebuilder/scanner should check that ALL ROM from the MAIN set are in the main ROM folder
- Regarding the ALTERNATE set, cmpro should IGNORE the COMMON roms (they are already in the MAIN) and put the alternate roms in the alternate folder OR into the main romset by appending a suffix to the rom name, eg, 0000lo.bin.106.  As MAME reads first the CRC32 from the ZIP heading to choose the rom to be loaded the presence of the suffix should not be a problem when loading the roms

This function should allow people to use multiple MAME versions keeping the number of roms to the minimum. It will be enough to set a double rompath (in case of split set), or to point both MAMEs to the same folder (if merged) and MAME will do the rest.
Can this be a good idea? :)

Undumped Wiki / Orca Games
« on: 27 July 2009, 20:27 »

I was asked to add them as reported in mamedriv.c. I could find "some" references but no actual pic of the bame, so they *might* just be rebounded informations from Mike's list. Any proof of their actual existence?

Undumped Wiki / Spam Users issue
« on: 29 June 2009, 11:38 »
Maybe some has noticed, but recently we are having a lot of "fake users" registering just to spam. Problem is they don't seem to be bot, since I've recently setup a simple antibot feature, that should prevent bot subscription and editing.
I will try to find out how I can setup a protection even against this, the only thing I can think of now is Admin confirmation for user subscription, but I'm not keen with this kind of actions because they are, IMO, completely against the wiki concept.
If anybody has an Idea, they are welcome!

Undumped Wiki / real Pucher
« on: 02 June 2009, 20:01 »
I made some researches on this title after a progettoemma user sent to me this:


Now, game seems to be undumped, as it is not in MAME and very few informations are circulating on it (system16.com reports it as "unknown hardware").


on 07 Feb 2009 PhilB posted some images of a WIP of this title.

So, what is the actual status of this? Undumped or unMAMEd?

Undumped Wiki / Improvement Ideas
« on: 09 April 2009, 13:03 »
Here you are a list of ideas I would like to discuss with people contributing to the wiki:
- No dump / bad dump: how do we treat them? We ca easily generate a list of all roms actually flagged as nodump/baddump (I can do it with a simple query in the progettoemma database...) but how should it be structured? I was thinking about something like a page listing roms in this way:
Game title - romset name
    -   romname    actual crc/nodump flag
    -   romname    ....
May other informations useful? Would you distinguish in separate lists nodumps and baddumps? I would keep them together so you must look in only one place....

- This kind of operation can be easily extended to laserdiscs, as they are flagged as nodumps CHD in the mame informations. Shall we do it?

- There is a similar issue with the famous non-existing samples (the ones cmpro green-light fanatics replaced with the fake files ;) but for these we have no actual way to do a autogenerated list. Shall we do it manually, to inform people MAME is missing these informations, in case someone with the hardware and a decent recorder can produce them, or should we simply ignore them?

Other advices? Ideas?

Undumped Wiki / World Rally Championship
« on: 09 April 2009, 12:47 »
Ma questo gioco non è lo stesso World Rally dumpato da anni oramai oppure si tratta di quelche set specifico? Nel caso meglio specificarlo nel titolo no?
( Translation: Isn't this game dumped from some years yet, or is it just another not dumped set? In this case, shouldn't be better to specify it on the game title? ) Various For 03/22/09 @ 22:39.


I believe this entry was generate due to misleading informations from various sites. This game is referred often both as World Rally AND World Rally Championship. Sometimes this difference is used to distinguish the original Gaelco game from the Atari licensed edition, like in this page:
World Rally World Rally Championship
WR Flyers at TAFA
Both sets are in MAME. I could not find more evidences another version. If anyone has, please post!

-- Moved from the wiki discussion

Undumped Wiki / Gallagher's Gallery, and other Laserdiscs
« on: 09 April 2009, 12:46 »
Does this game really belong in the "undumped" category? If so, we should list all of the laserdisc games currently in Mame but without a good laserdisc dump.
Two options, but we should decide one way and apply it to all the entries: - Move the game to the "dumped" list, and put a "laserdis dump still missing", and do nothing else - Leave the game as undumped, same note about the laserdisc, and add to the list all the other LD. I would prefer the first option, becasue as far as I know many LDs are already available and only waiting for the correct input from the devs for the dump
An inbetween option could be to introduce the list of nodump/baddump generated automatically from progettoemma, as per your hint in the MI discussion. In this way, all LD Would be reported automatically in the parallel list, with the nodump CHD correctly reported
BTW, in this list we could add (by hand) the list of non existig samples, in case someone has the hardware and a decent recorder... ;)

-- moved from the wiki discussion

Undumped Wiki / Welcome to the Undumped Wiki Board
« on: 08 April 2009, 20:00 »
Welcome to the Undumped Wiki Board!
This board will work as discussion center for the undumped wiki, a place where we are trying to collect all informations about games that have not yet been dumped for inclusion in MAME.
Please use it to discuss about the games, to know if present entries in the wiki has been alreay dumped, to ask for advice and instructions, or if you have any idea on how to improve the wiki.
Make a good use of it, and thanks for your contributions to the wiki!! :)

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