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Messages - Roman

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MAME told you?
If clrmamepro told you that no valid sets were found, you most likely did not follow the official storing schema which I already menioned in this thread (rompath/setname/file 1.. file n, etc..etc..)

But of course by converting the files to chd, you change the names (*.cue/.img to .chd) and since you did not update the datfile cmpro tries to use the hash to get the correct name of the new file...which will fail since you did not update the dat ;-) And unneeded files get removed (if you got unneeded check enabled and fix options on).

So...maybe you should reduce the scan options to "missing" only.

And again...what you try to achieve is a bit away what auditing is all about. You change formats, filenames and number of files and you don't update the used database (datfile) and expect that it will work out of the box ;)

Thanks for this answer. I understand that the dat file is the issue here. I just wish there was a way to let a rom manager scan for file names listed in the dat, and not the extra information, such as crc32/sha1, etc.

Erm....clrmampro can do that. Simply turn off the checksum check.
But of course some other tests still need hashes to work correctly. For example if a file got a wrong name a match with the hashvalue will find the correct one.

Maybe the following helps to understand better:

Let's assume you currently use cmpro to scan your dreamcast/etc files in cue/bin format.
For this, you need a dafile which lists the sets with the individual files. They are listed there with size, name, hash information. It holds all sets which the datfile author added to the datfile. A set is collection of roms and/or samples and/or chds. A datfile is a collection of sets.

Now if you decide that you compress your files, you actually change information which is listed in the datfile. While you can compare a CHD with a zip container in terms of compression, you can't compare them in terms of auditing. You would be able to compress your sets to 7z/rar/zip and you would still be able to scan/audit them. But CHD is different, a chd is part of a set and not a compressed representation of a set.

So you can of course use 7z to compress your sets (cue + img + whatever other files are listed) to an archive and are still able to use the datfile.

If you really want to use the chd way and still want to scan your sets you can edit the used datfile and change the sets you converted or ask the original datfile author if he/she wants to provide a chd version :)

I don't really understand your scenario...since either you have a datfile for dreamcast/etc and you are able to scan your not chd-converted images (and you know what is missing), or you need to setup a datfile on your own...which will take your existing chds as basis.....or you find a datfile which uses chds instead of raw images.

well....I hope you understand the main point. The main factor is your datfile.
You need to understand what it means if you the datfile lists the file as chd or as rom.
You can of course list the chd file as a rom, then the rom crc32/sha1 are the hash values of the chd file. If the datfile lists them as disks, the given sha1 is the hash value of the decompressed file.

So...if you on your own decide to compress images as chd files, you need to ensure that you have a datfile handy which supports your task.

So maybe I should rephrase my answer.
Of course you are able to scan for missing files (whatever they represent), as long as you use a correct datfile for your task.

CHD stands for  "C"ompressed "H"unks of "Data", so it's a container (like a zipfile) for files, in this case hd/dvd/ld/floppy/etc../etc dumps.
Using chdman to convert your files to  a CHD is one thing, auditing is a different. First of all, you need to specify the chd in the datfile. Take a look at for example MAME's -listinfo output. CHD images are encoded in disk xml elements listing their decompressed sha1 values (which is also stored in the chd header).

For example:
<disk name="a51site4-2_01" sha1="48496666d1613700ae9274f9a5361ea5bbaebea0" region="ide:0:hdd:image" index="0" writable="yes"/>

So you need a custom datfile to check your sets since you need to tell cmpro what to look for and what the correct hash values are.

Secondly, you need to follow the general storing method, which is coming originally from MAME:
rompath\setname\file 1... file n for decompressed sets
rompath\setname.zip (.rar/.7z) for compressed sets
A set is a collection of roms and/or samples and/or chds. Since it doesn't make sense to put chds in another archive (7z/zip/rar) you store them in the first described way. For example:F:\MAME\ROMs\Standard\a51site4a\a51site4-2_0.chd where F:\MAME\ROMs\Standard is the rompath, a51site4a is the setname (defined in the datfile) and a51site4-2_0.chd is the actual chd file. Its base name also comes from the datfile.

So coming back to your question "My question is whether it is at all possible to scan my collection for missing roms ect. even though I converted my sets to .chd", the answer is no since the custom datfile will only contain information about the chd container and not the single files inside the container. You can scan for missing chds and sets of course but everything the rommanager knows about is what you (or whoever) defined in the used datfile.

I'm not sure I understood which OK you're talking about.
Unless you have a hard error (there are some prompts which appear when a file can't be added to an archive for example), you can configure the batcher that no "press OK" is needed.

Batcher options: Scanner: "Don't show statistics" and "Don't ask before fixing", Rebuilder: "Don't show statistics", Misc: "For updated dats: "auto update" should do it.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Missing ROMs but empty scan results
« on: 02 January 2021, 20:04 »
If you got dupes (identical sets exist in various rompaths) after running a rebuild, you may have rebuilder settings which don't match the scanner ones (e.g. you don't use sysdefpaths in rebuilder while you do in scanner). So a set might get rebuilt to a not wanted place accidently.
Anyway....Most likely the scan run cleaned them up. There are some rare cases where a second scan run can fix some stuff which a first one popped up.
Nothing really to worry...since your 2nd run seems to resolved it.

clrmame Discussion / clrmamepro 4.040 released
« on: 01 January 2021, 18:22 »
Nothing big, but I'd like to start the new year with some better version number  than a or b or something......
Happy New Year, I'm sure it will be better than last. Stay healthy


fixed: falsely hiding some missing information (split merged sets with nodump chds)

(e.g. MAME AmericanLaser sets)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Missing ROMs but empty scan results
« on: 01 January 2021, 16:35 »
Thanks a lot for the files. I've found the problem for not listing the files. Very nice finding.
So update to 4.040

clrmame Discussion / Re: Missing ROMs but empty scan results
« on: 31 December 2020, 11:19 »
Did you check if you enabled all sets and all systems?
Maybe you got an option enabled that hides things. So please check the following and do a new full scan.

Scanner->Systems-> ensure that all checkboxes are checked (or hit all)
Scanner->Scan Results->Set Information->Ensure that all sets are selected (e.g. by hitting "select all")
Scanner->Scan Results->Context Menu ->View -> ensure that "hide fully missing sets" is NOT enabled
Scanner->Hash & CHD->Available Regions -> all checkboxes should be checked

If you like you can also send me your cmpro.ini file plus the belonging *.cmp file for your profile in cmpro's settings folder (I assume you're using an official MAME binary as data source)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Missing ROMs but empty scan results
« on: 30 December 2020, 10:27 »
Yes, you need to use https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmpro64Test.7z
Simply replace the 64bit binary (keep a copy of the official one).

clrmame Discussion / Re: Missing ROMs but empty scan results
« on: 28 December 2020, 10:05 »
Can you show me the cmpro.log output and not the missing list please.
There is a reason why  they are not listed in the scan results tree (but counted as missing). Actually I more expect the stats to be wrong than the output.

The miss list you've posted has most likely nothing to do with your missing stats. The "miss list" works totally different than the scan. As mentioned it is just a quick set lookup by file/folder name. It does nothing in detail at all. A relict from 20 years ago. Actually nobody should use that ;)

The only important information is the scan results tree output. Even statistic count values are not really important. But of course it is interesting to see which files are counted as missing here....

clrmame Discussion / Re: Missing ROMs but empty scan results
« on: 27 December 2020, 10:49 »
try https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmpro64Test.7z

It creates a cmpro.log file in the cmpro main folder and lists all missing roms in there after a scan (and leaving cmpro). Would be interesting to see which are listed there. The file is locked until you quit cmpro and emptied on startup.

The code for the "missing sets" hasn't changed for ages and it's simply a directory walk/crawler over the files so it should be pretty fast. Depending on your amount of files and disk speed it should indeed only take up to a minute...but never 2 days. Sounds like some other app (maybe virusscanner) is interfearing....or something is locking/blocking access.

Just a sidenote....
I found out that endless recursions (stack overflows) will simply close the application without any error messages (null pointers, memory leaks etc cause some windows runtime prompts). If I find a little time I will double check recursive routines in scanner/rebuilder to see if there is a wrong condition in there which might run into your problem on samba shares....

No, since it's not an NOT(A or B or C)...it's a NOT A or NOT B or NOT C
The not works on each sinlge part and actually this will usually end in something you don't expect.

not(sets starting with A); not(sets starting with B) -> this will still enable sets with A and B...... :-(

It's not a full regular expression implementation (hell, that code is 20 years old...)
You can use something like:

%d=[0-9][0-9] W*;%d=*(rev A)

to enable sets which start with "2 decimals space W" (e.g. 18 Wheeler)
The ; separates like an OR. So in the example you additionally select sets with a description ending "(rev A)".


clrmame Discussion / clrmamepro 4.039a released
« on: 13 December 2020, 17:42 »

fixed: www profiler, don't truncate protocol from page url, so you can use http or https (however you need to update your settings once)
fixed: www profiler shows downloaded and updated dats still as update
fixed: don't prompt user that the download was ok when www profiler loaded a decompressed dat
fixed: downloaded and not moved decompressed dats get removed when closing cmpro
fixed: some sets don't get marked as unneeded or weird renames are proposed in mame/software list combined mode only
fixed: parent/clone relationship of software list roms got lost under some circumstance
fixed: 32k pathlength support doesn't work for profiles/datfiles
fixed: fixing a wrong sysdefpath issue only worked when you got "ask before fixing" enabled
fixed: xml parser fails on xml files with <?xml-stylesheet ...?>
fixed: falsely trim "." characters at the end of filenames
fixed: falesly check 'marked disabled sets as unneeded' sets for wrong names
fixed: falsely hide missing bios roms in bios sets when separate bios sets is disabled
fixed: falsely skip rebuilding bios roms in bios sets when separate bios sets is disabled
fixed: falsely load not updated profiler cache after delete profile operations
fixed: 32k path support failed for paths which are exactly MAX_PATH long
fixed: scanner font selection isn't applied/saved when you use the default font (blank name)
fixed: misleading wrong merged messages when using regions/languages
misc:  www profiler, allow redownload of local datfiles
misc:  use UTC based time/date for date/time fixing
misc:  allow odd second values (MS DOS times are over)
misc:  allow yyyymmddTHHMMSS as date/timestamp in dat
misc:  www profiler can handle urls which provide filenames by content-disposition header information
misc:  updated rar ddl
added: %L=1/0 option for set-info select sets to enable/disble sets which reference software lists
added: show number of selected profiles/datfiles in profiler window title

4.039a fixes a crash bug when loading dats with bad date entries

Not right. As far as I know MAME doesn't support rar compressed sets at all but 7z is supported since erm...a decade or 8 years or something....

clrmame Discussion / Re: Validating samples in clones
« on: 04 December 2020, 06:48 »
Thanks, enjoy the holiday season and stay healthy.
And nice to see you remember and spotted the sentinel :)

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