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 on: Today at 03:33 
Started by Roman - Last post by nullz3
Thank you Roman for providing us with updates.
I'd love to pick your brain on the development side.
I know you're using modern C++ to build this, but what are your thoughts on Rust?

 on: Yesterday at 06:12 
Started by BlackPredator72 - Last post by Mucci
ARMAX MAME Dats 0.266 https://www.mameguide.info/MAME_(20240531).7z

 on: 31 May 2024, 17:59 
Started by mjmattson3170 - Last post by mjmattson3170
I was not seeing them anywhere, but I kept looking.   What I ended up having to do was place the downloaded etyphoon zip into the folder and select new scan.  When it asked me to rename roms, I said no to all (it was moving them out of internal folders to the root of the zip.   Then it asked me to add missing roms, I said yes to all.   Then with the remaining multiple set errors (because I did not let the scanner move roms from the internal folders), I selected a new scan and allowed to rename them.   Now the missing roms are there.   I checked in the zip file and they in place.   Not sure why it works this way, but have them now from the set I already had.

 on: 31 May 2024, 12:22 
Started by mjmattson3170 - Last post by Roman
You miss roms. They are out there. No scanner issue.

 on: 31 May 2024, 08:54 
Started by mjmattson3170 - Last post by mjmattson3170
I am done scanning and only this system remains.   Clrmamepro is reporting a missing 202a-c3.bin for etyphoon_a and a missing 202-c3.bin and 202-c4.bin for etyphoon_b1.   I do not see these roms in a full downloaded etyphoon set from pleasuredome on github.   Are they just missing or is there a possible scanner issue?   All other systems, etc. check out.

 on: 28 May 2024, 18:54 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
So...another small wip to keep you updated...

I'm pretty 'feature complete' with the scanner (whatever this means for a 0.01 version).

Scanner: I've added 'add paths' which allow you automatic searching/adding missing roms/chds for your collection plus some reorganizing here and there. The log points out if there was an error and gives a very little stats output (just how many machines are ok / bad).

Rebuilder: The rebuilder now also got a backup path (whenever that is needed...) and supports multi input paths and I've also aligned the UI a bit so that it comes closer to the scanner. Of course this is all preliminary .......and of course it also got the xpath filtering with auto dependency stuff like the scanner.

So...two small screenshots attached...as I said..nothing really special today.....now I guess I should start writing a readme for the scanner.....

 on: 27 May 2024, 10:33 
Started by mr.mame - Last post by mariakenneth
I'm so tech-challenged that I can't even use the chat properly. I tried to connect using the link from the forum, but when I typed '!list' it said I wasn't connected. I also tried clicking 'connect' but nothing happened. I'm still struggling to get this chat to work.

 on: 22 May 2024, 06:29 
Started by Roman - Last post by nullz3
Old cmpro can filter on driver status only.
With the new scanner (and xpath) you will be able to filter on anything inside the xml ;-)

That's awesome!  I can't wait to try it. Thank you

 on: 22 May 2024, 06:21 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
Old cmpro can filter on driver status only.
With the new scanner (and xpath) you will be able to filter on anything inside the xml ;-)

 on: 22 May 2024, 01:54 
Started by Roman - Last post by nullz3
When you talk about "labeled preliminary" are you refering to driver's status,cocktail or emulation attribute? Or all of them?

<!ATTLIST driver status (good|imperfect|preliminary) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST driver emulation (good|imperfect|preliminary) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST driver cocktail (good|imperfect|preliminary) #IMPLIED>

one possible xpath for the emulation attribute would be

or if you want emulation and status attributes being something else than preliminary, you can use
xp://machine[driver[not(@emulation='preliminary') and not(@status='preliminary')]]

the dependencies (needed parent/bios/devices) get added internally

With the current scanner, I only filter by driver status because I thought it was my only option.  Can I filter by emulation status in the current ver 4.048d?

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