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Topics - Kolano

Pages: [1]
After not updating Mame for many months I wanted to bring my collection up to speed. I've been running into trouble doing so as at some point each night I'd run ClrMAMEPro against my ROM collection it would mysteriously exit out without completing or providing any results.

As far as I can tell this may be related to some sort of overflow that occurs when many Scan Result messages are output (somewhere > 15k logs).

Repeatedly stopping the scan process, correcting things, and restarting it; has let me make progress, but it's been very frustrating. Hoping the issue causing the program to mysteriously shut down can be resolved, or if not that things could be revised to maintain results if a a scan is cancelled mid-course.

On Windows 10 using cmpro64.exe (Latest Nightly from Sunday, November 29, 2020, 7:24:36 PM).

clrmame Discussion / Arbrary Sets of ROMs Marked as Missing
« on: 25 January 2015, 17:47 »
I'm seeing an issue with v4.016, where multiple runs of "Scan" on the same folder will report different sets of ROMs as being missing, even though all ROMs seem to be in place. Typically this has been against the most recently release TOSEC dats. For instance, multiple scans over "Sharp X6800 - Games (TOSEC-v20014-05-13)" dat gave the following results...

Initial "New Scan":
Sets: 0/3245
ROMs: 1173/3245

Initial "Scan"
Sets: 0/3245
ROMs: 158/3245

Secondary "Scan"
Sets: 0/3245
ROMs: 0/3245

Secondary "New Scan"
Sets: 0/3245
ROMs: 1148/3245

The folder contents were created with the Rebuilder, and no change to the folder or it's contents occurred between runs. I tend to see issues with the Rebuilder on these same sets where it will indicate there is an error adding files to a set on a few files. Usually these will be ROMs that appear to already be in the set.

I'm currently using 7z compression on the ROMs, unclear if the compression method makes a difference.

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